Well well well. Mr. Trumpet Mouth finally got what he supposedly wanted: “proof” of President Obama’s U.S. birth via copies of a Hawaiian birth certificate and all other papers hospitals keep on file to confirm someone’s birth. The task was so delicate that the papers were delivered to Obama via hand from Hawaii to the White House, and were released to the press this morning to shut everyone up and to get back on track with important things like ISSUES, CREATING JOBS…you know, all that stuff the GOPer’s are constantly barking about yet doing nothing to solve?
All right, Donald. Are you and the other birther-types happy now? I bet you aren’t. New conspiracies will crop up to dispel any odor of legality concerning the papers. If Obama has to bend over even more as the months go on toward the 2012 election frenzy then I say he needs to bend the other way and slap a few loose cannons around and then get back to real biz. At this point, if I were him, I’d be so pissed-off at so many people I would consider doctoring my birth certificate to show I was born in another country just to get an easy pass out of the snarling pit of blamers who refuse to let me do my job without consistent personal attacks.
But then, I’m not made of what it takes to be in politics. One of the political genes must be an enormous stubbornness even my worst stubborn moments couldn’t achieve.
In light of today’s “stunning” disclosure of Obama's legit U.S. birth, for a moment Kate and William’s nuptials took second place in most headlines. Thank God! Let’s get on with some real news, eh?
Now, should I have Earl Grey or English Breakfast Tea while propping my eyes open in the dark of night while watching the wedding? THAT is one hell of an important decision to make. Especially since I just ran out of sugar and cream.
I would like to take this opportunity to pose a question to you. Who was the first "birther?" Who was the first person to raise this question? In other words, who gave birth to the birthers? Answer: Hilary Clinton