Monday, November 25, 2013

Stressed? Maybe There Is a Way Out

Good Monday to you! Or is it? Did you know that most heart attacks occur on Monday mornings? Yep. The thought of going into the office to face another day of Business Whatever's can be a Huge Stressor for some people. So, what's my excuse for feeling so stressed already? I have a home office and no deadlines to meet – other than TDFB's postings.

Perhaps today's stress is based on a combination of seemingly minor events and things that, when combined, make me want to jump on a train to Anywhere for an indefinite amount of time. For the past month my Mondays have been full of drama.

Today, thus far, it's not so bad, but still comes with strains I'd rather not have to deal with: more technical issues with the Internet connection; a long, upsetting talk with someone close to me; the realization that The Holidays are upon us, which, in my case, has become a time of year I'd rather skip and, instead, jump right into New Year's Eve (Wheeee!) and The New Year without all of the complications, preparations, irritations, excessive libations (not always on my end) and Family Angst, among a longer list of reasons for High Blood Pressure and Irrational Behaviour.

As I've written over the years, both Thanksgiving and Christmas-Hanukah gatherings with what's left of my dwindling family have been quite horrible. It wasn't that way for many years. But, for a variety of reasons a shift happened and this year I have decided to spend Thanksgiving away from gatherings and will, instead, be with one of the few people in my life with whom I can be fully myself without High or Low Drama attached. We're going OUT for dinner where neither of us have to cook, do dishes, or deal with critical friends and relatives. This year I'm taking care of myself that way, with – I'll admit – a tinge of nostalgia for the days when Thanksgiving had been My Favourite Holiday because it had been a relaxed, easy-going experience whether I was the host or not.

But that was Then, and This Is Now.

It's too bad so many people feel the way I do about holidays when Forced Socializing brings out the Very Worst in some of us (or The Others). It's really a shame that times of Thankfulness often become Times of Hatefulness. We read lists of What Not To Say at these holiday gatherings so that Peace/Non-Drama can prevail on One Day. I think it's sad that with some families it Has To Be A Certain Way and Certain Subjects should not be discussed, isn't it? Are there alternatives to being with Family and, instead, help others to have a Good Day? Yes, but often there is a "catch" to doing even that.

I wanted to offer my help at several Charity Groups that provide food for those who are Homeless or simply unable to feed their families for one reason or another, but whoa – was I surprised to find out how rigid and strict the guidelines were for the two charities I wanted to become involved with for Thanksgiving.

The entire idea to Help was dashed by an almost Nazi-like attitude from the organizers. One would think that those of us who wished to assist were asking to be treated as children and slaves, as their Rules informed potential helpers that if any of us didn't show up with half our possessions and assets to give away along with serving the recipients, we would be sent home – without our own supper, as it were. And I'm not talking about Reasonable Rules, either. (A Reasonable Rule would be to not smoke or drink; to wash our hands; to be polite; etc.)

Therefore, on this Monday of Thanksgiving Week, I'll continue to lower the Stress Level from earlier today and, to be Trite But True, will count my blessings that I have a home to live in; a BFF to hang with on Thursday; and, as of this moment, have almost all of my physical and mental faculties intact.

There. I feel better now. "Charity begins at home" has never been truer to me than it is right now when I realize how I am dodging a bullet by Side-Stepping Drama for my sanity. I hope you'll do the same for yourself if you want to and can.

On that note, I bid you a Fine, Fine Day/Afternoon/Evening/Night/Dawn!

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  1. I am HONORED to share Thanksgiving with you and HONORED to be your BFF!

    Your BFF
    Maybe we could do Chinese for Christmas?! Fa Ra Ra Ra Ra, Ra Ra Ra Ra!
    (Last scene from A Christmas Story!
