Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Weekly Fluff

Good Saturday to you! It's time for The Weekly Fluff! Over the past week in Celebland, despite Marriages and Babies-Babies-Pregnancies-Pregnancies by So Many of The Populars, one story has gained quite a bit of attention: Bruce Jenner's possible Transgender-Obsession. Or, as others are conveying the slightly salacious news, his Cross-Dressing Fetish! (I wonder how this story "got out" – could A Certain Someone be looking for a Better Image?)

Wherever the tongue first wagged to The Press, the "explosive claims" are causing many people (as opposed to animals) to wonder if it's true that Bruce Jenner, the once Most Tip-Top-In-Shape Athletic-Testosterone-Based Human On Earth, really is a Closet Cross-Dresser?

Yes, so say many Blind Items, Direct Articles, and so on – for longer than Just Last Week when People led the story/rumour. Rather than ramble-on, The Weekly Fluff suggests you read The Real Down & Dirty through different fingertips by going HERE. 

Poor Bruce (we assume he's a "Victim" of something…) has (reportedly) been struggling with his True Sexual Identity for years and years. Nanoseconds before he (reportedly) was ready to shock the Whole Wide World by becoming a Woman (otherwise known as a Transsexual, a word used frequently within the Kar-Kash-In's Castle), Kris Mama Jenner dived into his Secret Life, accepting His Feminine Needs, and thus, no CuttathePenisasa Evah Happened – beyond his face. She would take care of that. What a Savior!

Did anyone notice (if you were you more than 10 at that time), that Bruce's face began its journey toward Femininity around the mid-80's, if my memory is reaching-back far enough into its Odd Observation Vault. Had his once-perfect physique begun to shrink due to lack of intense training or lack of a bit of "help" from An Athlete's Friend-By-Injection, the change in his appearance below the neck would have been understandable.

However, as mentioned earlier, suddenly Mr. Bruce's face had morphed into Something Else Beyond Basic Plastic Surgery. He seemed to be on his way toward A Woman's Face. At first, the change was unsettling. He also appeared to be taking Female Hormones as he had begun to sprout Little Titlets. Whispers were slowly seeping into The Media about a possible sex-change. And then – bam – it stopped! (With the exception of continuing Face Work – most meant to downplay what the first one caused.) Instead, to those who don't really know The Real Facts Behind-The-Screams, it's been perceived by TV audiences and the General Public that Jenner simply turned his Male Parts over to Kris and let her do the Decathlon.

In my opinion, I believe all of the above to be true with regard to Jenner's desire to cross-dress as well as having had – at one time – a plan to take it all the way until various roadblocks, perhaps second-thoughts, hit him in the face following an unfortunate bout with his mirror one day.

It has to be a difficult time period for Bruce Jenner. He is finally Officially Separated from his Questionable Other Half (which is a good thing), but divorce/separations still cause stress. Now this latest Tabloid Hell. I wish him well in whatever he does concerning the recent PR he is receiving. It has to be a Grand Embarrassment – true or false. Men don't receive the same nod of "it's okay" to cross-dress as women do.

Now, on to the remainder of my day where I will search the pantry for a Fluffy Breakfast Of Champions! Yes, Bruce's past Cereal Box Covers have been an inspiration! Future endorsements by Bruce could also inspire should they involve a box big enough to place a Certain Someone to be shipped to Dubai where I'm sure someone would be willing to pay C.O.D. for an opportunity to be exploited in the media Every Day For The Rest Of Their Life.

Have a grand, Fluffy day!

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