Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Daily 15 Minutes of a Writer

Do you see how happy the writer is in the picture here? She's sooo damn happy I almost feel envy for her time at the Writing Machine, as writers, some people think, have all the time in the world on our hands to dither about on how to form a coherent, uniquely written sentence, don't we?

Not really. Sometimes it feels that way if one is writing a novel that requires a plot to develop, characters to create, witty and briskly entertaining dialogue to add if the writer is reaching for more than a pulp-ish platform.

But, in general, writing doesn't always flow easily from the mind to the fingers to the page, and deadlines are more often than not for professional writers. Thus, the need for speed with small allowance for deep concentration to make an article or story zing. That is why "practice makes writers almost perfect" is to be followed. It doesn't matter if one is a pro or amateur, the mantra for writers to write SOMETHING for at least 15 minutes a day is key to the craft; is not as easy as it may seem after the first few days of such a commitment, and it requires discipline. That's why The Lady above looks not happy at all, as she is stuck on a word and may just sit there for hours. She's practicing, but it will require years to become perfect at that pace.

However, for me, writing all of these words means I have done my duty for the day as a fledgling writer, and will now take my leave to stare sadly, as with the woman above, at a blank screen waiting for me to fill it with life and stories that reside inside my furry brain.

I do have stories to tell. It's time I start re-writing them to sell.

Until tomorrow, have a wonderful day/evening/middle-of-the-night/morning!

Image via: http://theshadowofchez.com

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