Thursday, March 28, 2013

Silent No More

Whew! What an intense two days it has been for the issue of Marriage Equality on both State and Federal levels! Facebook is as red as red can be this week, with so many heterosexual supporters of Gay Rights changing their Profile Images to various designs of marriage equality. Good for them! And good for all, really. Without brandishing a Flogging Whip at the Supreme Court Justices this time around, it is not surprising to learn how seemingly divided The Court is on the Federal DOMA debacle.

I use the word "debacle" because, for those whose heads are still spinning from the legalese involved in the debate, should DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) be overturned, the issue of Gay Marriage will remain in the State's control of who can marry whom. It would be "nice" if we did not have to deal with the argument at all and simply followed The Onion's satirical view on how the Supreme Court could have reacted. Read it HERE. 

However, all jokes aside, as history reflects, the trek to equality of any sort – racial, sexual, gender – has never been a quick trip but a long and truly winding road. I add "sexual" to the list although the primary concern of Gay Marriage Legality is far from resolved, but because the change in attitude toward gays/LGBT's has been tremendous within a relatively short period of time for many politicians as well as "regular people" now that the closet door has flung open on who is gay; how many years so many gay couples have been together, and how the perception of the LGBT Community is no longer that of OTT Queens and Heavy-Duty Butches as the only faces of a once-silent group.

The constitutionality of both Prop 8 in California and the DOMA will not be decided until June or July of this year. Oh, those Supremes are just Little Teases, aren't they?  Nevertheless, the fact that The Supreme Court is attempting to take the issues seriously (with one known exception by the name of Scalia) is considered by many voices to be a Win. One step further toward equality for an oppressed, discriminated-against, portion of the Human Population. One step closer to Basic Legal Fairness.

Stay tuned as spring turns into summer. Whatever the court decides on both issues, it's definitely going to be quite an interesting year for Marriage Equality. Gay Pride events this year will be hopping!

Thanks for dropping by.

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TECH UPDATE: For anyone who wondered where TDFB was yesterday we/I/me/they fixed that hole in the Home Network! Voila! The problems have been resolved! Thanks to a great techie from Apple Airport for patiently straightening out what the Sprint Booster Box did to cause the errors.

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