Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Heat Goes On

London is burning and churning in rebellion. So what else is new? All year we have watched one country or city after another break out into angry fisticuffs against their leaders in one form or another. It is the year of uprising and general government upheaval – something of which I have been writing from the beginning of this unsettling cycle. Now it is time for another group of disenfranchised citizens of an unbalanced economy and hierarchy to kick the fiery wicks of protests into the world’s increasingly volatile stage.

If you haven’t followed the events in London that have transpired over a three-day period, you may query what in the world is going on over there? Aren’t the English all happy and jolly with their new future King and Queen in place to bump Prince Charles out of the running? Isn’t Pippa Middleton enough of a diversion for the masses? Aren’t the natives satisfied to learn that NOTW was as corrupt as they suspected and that Rupert Murdoch did, indeed, hang out with former PM Gordon Brown and has deep ties to current PM David Cameron? Shouldn’t the recent News Corp revelations vindicate the cynical populace enough to bring a comfy sigh of relief as they watch Scotland Yard commander’s receive a long-deserved take-down from their less-than-genteel and ethical perches?

Nope. None of the above is enough to quell the bristling sense of injustice many Londoner’s (and others in the area) have been feeling. And all that was needed to set off a riot was an initial protest against what many deemed to be an unfair shooting of a man by a police officer.

Shortly after the once-peaceful protest began, a few very pissed-off citizens began barking at the entire London Machine; then, before one could finish a pint at the local pub, out came swarms of irate peoples of all colours and religions to turn the protest into a major behest which has now claimed at least one life, harmed a group of police officers, and has placed 450 under arrest (as of posting time), all adding to Mr. Cameron’s current leadership tests. Poor baby has to cut his vacation short and return post haste back to 10 Downing Street.

When the flurry eventually dies down in Londontown, who will be the winners? Will anything be changed by setting fires and thumping on the police? Is it simply anarchy for anarchy’s sake or is there a silent strategy at stake?

I ask and suggest the above because there is rarely a time in any historic civilian uprising without people behind the scurries with an agenda of one sort or another – be it benign or malevolent. So, who or what is behind the current riots?

According to news reports, it’s the Blackberry’s fault. Not Twitter, for a change, but the use of the popular-in-Britain Blackberry messaging service to send info to those interested to go out and smack a few heads. But who sent the first message to do so? A concerned citizen or a mere bad seed? And does it matter? Only if it’s politically motivated will it matter. If it’s just the acts of a restless rowdy group bored to death of the same-old-same-old non-economic growth and a stone in their shoes making walking a tedious chore, then it looks like blatant chaos and nothing more.

Until further information peeks out from the pages of someone’s clever investigative blog, I remain neutral on all of it, as I am not part of the society in the forefront of today’s news headlines. I do know that I will always do what I can to see both sides of an issue before weighing-in on an opinion. In this case, the best I can do is to acknowledge, once more, that bubbling, gurgling, resentments against governments all over the world have been festering for many a year in this, the year of “Throw out the Bums” and “We’re not going to take it anymore!”

America, methinks it’s time for you to stock up on supplies in your homes, have a few dollars on hand, and the will to live through what may be the next big riot – this time in your land. Who knows? It could happen here. Why not? We are ripe for revolution whether we want to deal with it or not.

For further information regarding who is actually running the USA, check this out: Boo Hiss

Image Courtesy of AP


  1. From what I can tell what's going on in London, it's either George Bush's or the Tea Party's fault. John

  2. LA did this with the race riots back in the rooting looting OJ/R. King days...

  3. John, it's Obama's fault.

    Anon - Yes, it has a similar ring to it.
