Sunday, December 23, 2012

Who Deserves a Flog Today?

Everyone seems to be "Out To Blast" NRA Half-Headed Head Horseman Of The Gun Brigade, Wayne LaPierre, based on his absolutely unfathomable excuse of a speech on Friday to defend assault weapons and all weapons everywhere in the U.S., citing how our schools need Gunmen Standing At The Ready to ensure that no further Sandy Hook's occur. The Flogging Whip Totally Agrees with the Mass Diss. The absurd droning-on about how Guns Are Wonderful, along with the terms "Good Guys and Bad Guys," made most of the nation cringe. Well, one would think that after such a bashing as Mr. Le-Pee-In-The-Air received he would have toned-down his tendency to ignite further eye-rolling, as well as fury, by anyone with half a functioning brain who understands the difference between "It's OK to have basic guns and rifles, but not assualt weapons" in the hands of civilians. But no. The Man With No Brain walked into a mere Tiger's Den today when he chose to be interviewed by the nice, but tepid, David Gregory, of Meet The Press. Aside from the inept attempts of Gregory to be "tough," the interview went about as well as Friday's Non-Press Conference where reporters were not allowed to ask questions, and Mr. La-Pee rattled on a litany of who(m) to blame for mass shootings other than the weapons all of the mass "massacres" have involved; such as Guns, of course. Well, here we go again with the craziness: Below a few lines is part of the interview. Please prep your "In-Flight" purge bag as you will be taken to the anti-gravity of Mid-Earth after hearing this Deluded Soul defend his salary: Facts? What Facts?

Sigh. What are we as a nation to do with this kind of mentality? Surprisingly, quite a few people like this idea. I too understand the basic point of having armed guards to guard our schools as we do every other important institution. But, how viable is this idea? How effective is it in real life when, as you by now have learned, Columbine had an armed guard who shot at The Slaughter's to no avail, losing third lives in the process because the boys simply had their Mission To Do and No One was going to get in their way. All over the Interwebs, people are discussing how mass murders happen at churches and other public forums whether or not someone is around the "Keep The Peace." The NRA People are Crazy, I tell you! Not because they want people to use their 2nd Amendment Rights, but because they don't give a Rat's Ass about how lethal their product is. All they want is the money and to make sure the Future Survivor's of the Apocalypse; the Over-Throwers Of Democracy, et al, have the firepower to defend themselves in one click of a trigger to launch 45+ rounds of deadly ammunition into anyone they fear. This is what we're up against in America, my friends. A group of Obtuse Fiends with no sense of Morality and a Sick, Twisted Idea of what the Founders actually meant when they created the "Right To Bear Arms" well over 200 years ago when times were much, much different than the environments in which we now live in the 21st Century.

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