Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Who Deserves A Flog Today?

The Flogging Whip and I have been tussling over what and who deserves the required "40 lashes" today when so many targets are available. In fact, I had to get out of its way during our little chat when it began waving its knotted ends in my direction. Do we once again bash a celebrity who constantly lies to the police whenever she is in trouble? Such as when she hits other cars/trucks/people almost every time she's behind the wheel; or should Penn State University plummet into the same category of the Catholic Church that deals with predatory priests by simply sending them to another church rather than have them arrested - or at the least banished from the church? I suggest this downgrading of Penn State now that we know the former university VP, Gary Schultz, had been maintaining a "secret file" on the child molestations and strange behaviour of the now infamous sexual predator, Jerry Sandusky, rather than fire him as well as alert the police to his behaviour, citing how "inhumane" it would be to place poor Jerry in a jail? Or how about Mitt Romney's plan to dump "Obamacare" should he win the presidency, ensuring that anyone with a pre-existing condition will be turned down for needed medical coverage? Which means you and me, in all probability no matter what your age may be. How about flogging the hell out of the endless parade of huge and tiny leaves that line the balcony and front of my home every ten minutes because the trees are so high and shed leaves like an animal sheds their dander - causing a daily mess in an otherwise manicured neighbourhood - making this home stand out like a wart on an otherwise pristine complexion? What about flogging myself for a new trend of falling asleep too early to enjoy Stephen Colbert's brilliant show? Nah, that's too easy. There are next-day re-runs so I have no excuse for that one, do I? How about if the Whip just goes about its lashy ways all day on anything that displeases it because it's in a foul mood? Yeah. It's one of those days.

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