Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Beginning of the Real Fight

OMG! OMG! Well, what a surprise! By now you must know that The Supremes upheld the Affordable Care Act via the Individual Mandate portion that was at the crux of the dissenting voices. It was Chief Justice Roberts who made it happen. I have to give him a bit of applause. I admit that very few of us saw that coming. However, on a day of Victory for the American People, I will not back down on my beliefs and feelings that several of the current justices are corrupt and voted precisely as expected. Clarence Thomas and that Scally-Wag Scalia who has seldom seen a progressive-leaning law/ruling he didn't shoot down were predictable with their dissent.

The Court has been legislating from the Bench for a while now, and it would behoove Congress, as I wrote earlier, to do something about it - the Democrats in Congress, that is, as we know how the GOP feels about saying "Yes" to Obama. Is it "right" that the U.S. Supreme Court usually rules from a political position when there is no one who is able to be impartial? I do believe there is far more flexibility with the justices who aren't heels-dug-in with one political party or another, but that may be my own bias.

But, as it now stands, The Court has spoken and the GOP feels broken. You bet this will be an interesting election year now that the GOP no longer has a spring in their step. Yes, some people are saying that the GOP base will rally behind Romney even more than before due to the ruling today. That it isn't a setback but a rallying point. So be it.

Okay, then. Let it begin.
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