Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Pastor-ized Filth

Before I begin my rant/observation/opinion regarding the recent pastor-based anti-homosexual-anything trend thundering through the Bible Belt, it would be a smart thing to read THIS ARTICLE  and watch the included videos to understand why the "rhetoric" is disturbing.

Okay. Now that you've cleared your eyes from the grit of hate that hit your eyeballs while reading and seeing true hate-mongers and pea-brains in action, I can proceed with my argument.

First, why do I need to argue against obvious hate speech? These guys are crazy. They remind me of the rigidity and ignorance held by the Puritans when they were burning so-called "witches" who usually were just women who weren't afraid to stand up to men, or express their intuition, or have the misfortune to exude a sexual energy about them that was magnetic. How simple, how frightened, the little minds of the accusers were in those days.

But "those days" are here again - this time against homosexuals - although the feelings and opinions have remained the same throughout the years, albeit in a fairly subdued way. It is human nature, apparently, to squeeze the truth out of life by polarization. Bible Belters vs Homosexuals could not be more polarizing.

Now that gays can marry in a few states, and the majority of the American population has become educated, accepting, non-judgmental and even compassionate toward their gay friends and family, those who cringe at the very idea of same-sex unioning are whipping-up scary, violent, ideas that will grow, fester, incubate, in the heads of their congregations.

How nice to go to church and learn how to hate.

How much Jesus would have approved of the stone-throwing at a gay man or woman in a town square. Yes! He would stone them! A few people might say with grand defiance and religious righteousness in their scary eyes!

Thinking of the above, I wondered what Christ said about homosexuality, if anything. So I did a bit of research. I stumbled upon an article written in 2005 on a blog that seems to be floating in cyberspace untouched for years, to uncover a perfect recourse to the arguments we hear so often - pro and con - on this issue. READ THIS

So, to those who still feel the need to threaten the lives of a group of people because the Bible said so, I will continue to label you as supreme hypocrites.

If the hate speech continues by ministers/pastors on the level of what you read in the first link in this post, then I say it is time for gay people and people of every persuasion who refuse to allow any minority group to be publicly denounced in such violent terms, to press legal complaints against that particular church and/or minister. In fact, harsh legal ramifications should exist for standing in front of a group of people and suggesting that another group be placed in a electrified pen so they would eventually die off.

Hate speech is just that - full of hate - which breeds more hate and eventually produces violence justified by religion and other prejudices.

I'd just hate it if these crazy pastors kept at it without atoning for their sins, wouldn't you?


  1. Hmmmm, Jesus wasn't married(allegedly), had really long hair(allegedly)and was in his 30's at the time of his alleged crucifixion. I get this info from the bible. Not the norm for those days people. He wore robes with birkenstock sandals and preached humanity in the streets. I like the gnostic version of Jesus, who was married to Mary Magdalene. She was not a prostitute. She was a wealthy and powerful landowner who could walk freely with her tribe because she had 12 bodyguards.

  2. Those bodyguards were pure as hell, you know......
