Monday, April 16, 2012

"Secret Servicing" No More

Okay, here we go. Back into them Menz And Sex. The latest "kerfuffle" (the newest term used these days by pundits and Op Ed writers) over the Secret Service and other U.S. gov't employees having a bang-up good ole' time down Colombia way prior to President Obama's visit, once again indicates that no matter who, why, when or where, Menz will want to satisfy that urge to be a "bad boy" at the expense of family, career, and at least partial Global Finger-Wagging.

Can we get right to the point here? Prostitution is not going away. Period. Over. Done. Finito. Fact. Women who need the money and do their jobs in the World's Oldest Profession aren't going to slip away into the nether-regions of obscurity. And men who want the company of a woman and are willing to pay for it aren't going to stop doing it.

So, as with my position on the legalization of Marijuana, I tend to believe that it's time all non-killing of Unmarried Non-Virgins countries wake up and smell the truth of human nature and stop trying to put a lid on the always exploding sexual desires of human beings.

Ah, but this "scandal" with the Secret Service and Friends is different, isn't it? Those who are now sitting in a different kind of "hot seat" from how their personal seats were feeling in the heat of Columbia must be wondering if their lack of professionalism was worth it now that all of the world knows how they allowed their pants to fall down on the job.

What to do in these situations? The "Loose Zips Sink Presidential Trips" incidents?

Well, "Investigate" is the usual route to take. After that, firings, suspensions, back-room badgering by the Powers That Be screaming "What the ^%*%$ were you guys thinking" verbal take-downs are part of how the scenario in most government or corporate scandals play out (unless one is a Wall Street player where not only is a huge bonus placed in their lap but sometimes a Special Lady will spend a bit of time there as well).

Anyone who uses the excuse that a seemingly immoral-promiscuous nation (America) ruled by The Devil in modern times is to blame for all of the seething sexual flames is wrong, wrong, wrong. Look at the history of EVERY NATION IN THE WORLD when it involves men procreating beyond the desire to continue a blood line and one will immediately realize that pornography, the Popular Overly-Sexualized Culture of Now has only brought the Sins Of Our Fathers to light, rather than stirring what some deem to be a new, modern blight.

No, I don't believe it was wise for any agent of any government to party-tarty when prepping for their president's visit - anywhere. In the current volatile terror-ridden world, Secret Service and other agents of protection need to find other ways to deal with their erections.

But, in a general sense, the continuing scandals of affairs by Menz Of Power (large or small) bring the discourse to the level of how focused humans are, have been, and may always be, on fulfilling a human need to get rid of their endless streams of seed.

And, that is why I say once more that at the deepest core of human mores Prostitution (under Legal Restrictions for Health Reasons) should be reevaluated - once and for all. If Secret Service agents feel so sexually repressed/suppressed, their sexual quests may not have needed an outlet while on the job - day or night.

Something about sex in our world just isn't handled "Right."

But then, others often adjust to the "Left."

I know, I just caused a few of you to groan.

Happy Monday (or Tuesday wherever you are).

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