Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Our National Pastime: Dissing the Diva

Le scandale du moment is not political, sexual, or drug-related. 'Tis on an entirely different level because it involves what appears to be a group of Beyoncé-disliking/hating/jealous people who are throwing more than shade her way for reportedly having the audacity to lip-sync(h) The National Anthem on Monday at the Inauguration! It's all over the news! It's a Major Story! She supposedly LIED! What? Who said she said she sang live?

Hey, she may have have sung in Real Time for a few minutes here and there, allowing the backtrack to pitch-in where she felt it was needed. So what? I would have done the same thing if I felt there was a chance of botching a few notes wherein I would embarrass myself in front of my SO, The President, and the Rest Of The World – providing fodder for negative press and comparisons to Kelly Clarkson's strong live performance, albeit with flaws.

The chatter and headlines over this silly Beyoncé mess is one more example of where many of the Collective Consciousness energy fragments go to die when ignoring the True Scandal's around us. Such as what the GOP did on Monday in Tennessee to ensure a win in a very imbalanced, as well as deeply unfair, Redistricting Vote taken in stealth when a key Democratic member of the Virginia Senate was attending The Inauguration, thus not in attendance to vote, nor aware that a vote was being taken. Had he voted, there would have been a tie. But one less Democrat vote guaranteed the Republicans would get their way and own certain voting blocks 'forever'…causing extremely unlikely wins for any Democrat in the New Districts.

Wasn't that little Voting Game clever? Most are calling BS on it – and the PTB might not let it pass the Governor's desk. We shall see. The point is – THAT kind of sneaky, chicken-shit activity is precisely why I loathe the GOP. And why I believe it is a "scandal" we need to be discussing more than whether or not a singer sang LIVE during a highly visible event. Not aware of this latest GOP-based slime-fest? Check it out HERE.

Another scandalous element of American Politics came to our attention during the Election Season when many of us discovered that a Filibuster has not required the person filibustering to SAY ANYHTHING about why they are filibustering. Now, that is disgusting. Irresponsible, and beyond the pale of my imagination when it involves how I have perceived the political system. Most of us always think of the film, Mr. Smith Goes To Washington where we see the exhausted, sweating, hoarse James Stewart filibuster the hell out of Congress – endlessly. Oh, The Drama Of A Talking Filibuster! Apparently there is no such thing anymore, although a few politicians are beginning to murmur something about changing the rules back to "the way it was" before the Silent Filibuster began.

We could go on about the odd, awful, unfair, absurd rules and the like of American Politics, but that would require more time and focus on issues and things that might make us sad, which is why Beyoncé is leading in the headlines. No Sads there. Just snark and bark and "uppity" comments because not only did she have the nerve to MAYBE NOT REALLY SING, but to also wear Emeralds and hair extensions and – you know – she wanted to look pretty and all of that. Shame on her! One would think she's a Diva or something!

Gee, can't we all just get along?

Thanks for stopping by!

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