Sunday, February 9, 2014

This Ship Has Sailed

It's Time To Move On.

I want to thank everyone who has come to TDFB over the years. I've had fun writing it, evolving with it into music and art additions. I certainly don't know about your experience here, but I know that I have learned A Great Deal from creating what I believe is a unique place on The Internets.

TDFB will remain hanging in Cyberspace for a while. If so inclined, enjoy The Archives!

Until we meet again, I wish everyone A Wonderful Whatever!

With Gratitude,
Shauna Z

Sceleton Waving


  1. I have fully enjoyed reading your blog from the start. So sorry you were intruded on, hacked, or whatever really happened to mess it up. Looked into your Conduit post that you referenced a couple of times and it totally sucks!!! The Google owning the world reference also makes me mad for you and everyone. We don't have the control we used to have on the web, which is another indication of no more wild west good times in cyberspace we once enjoyed without thinking.

    So long, Shauna Z. Good luck on your new venture.

    Thank you for the hours you spent to give us good intel with beautiful art.


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