Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Inordinate Obstinacy-Hypocrisy of the GOP

Are Locusts still swirling through the air in Egypt, or did they pause to consider moving in a different direction toward the U.S., focusing on the droning-on verbal (finally!) filibuster by none other than Fancy-Pantsy Rand Paul, the New Savior of the Constitution In His Mind, who remained talking and standing for 12 hours in The Well of the Capitol's musty chambers to make his point. And oh, how not-tired he looked when he finally stepped away from his perch to finally go to the bathroom from the proper end of his body, unlike what eventual nonsense he began to mutter toward the end, exiting from his mouth, of course. (Read Details Here)

Jimmy Stewart he is not, as "everyone" has been writing; but I will give him a mild High 5 for TALKING rather than following the recent tendency of filibusterer's to just say they don't like something, and then leave the chambers for a round of golf. Oh yes, Prez Obama isn't the only one in Washington who plays golf, unlike how certain someone's in the media would love for you to believe. I gather we are to ignore all of the golf games other president's played? And with whom? As if most Golfing Prez's didn't try to do Political/National Biz while swinging those irons all over the freshly cut grass of the courses?

C'mon, people! How many times did George W spent endless days at his ranch in Crawford while the world was going to hell? Oh, but it was just fine with his party that he took vacay's according to a complete lack of criticism for being almost-always-out-of-it during key periods in our history. Such as Katrina, etc. Because he wanted us to see his "jock" side and "down-home" life, he took reporters on bike rides through his property and allowed pictures to be taken of him clearing the brush on his vast ranch. Reagan often did the same PR at his ranch. (All GOP Prez's MUST have ranches these days! Natch, that HAS to be the reason Romney lost. Just castles in many sands, no real ranches.)

The thing is, Obama doesn't have a "vast ranch" to relax in or on, and when he goes HOME to Hawaii, the unfortunate-for-him Image Problem with its exotic beaches, pristine ocean-front properties, is that it provides unnecessary fodder for his naysayer's to call him "lazy." Is he supposed to be clearing seaweed from the surf or something? Every Prez is different in what they need to do, and where to be, to unwind. And Camp David is just another jail for most president's unless they need to set up very private meetings…or take a really quick break from their home office in Washington.

Nothing wrong with that, is there?

Oh, but YES THERE IS. The guy can't even play golf without CRAP LIKE THIS going down.

I say eff-em. Petty, petty stuff goin' on.

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