Monday, March 25, 2013

TDFB's Almost Back!

Old habits do die hard. Such as my almost-daily writing. I had to write a few words today because I gather I am a writer who needs to write something. Although half of the Tech issues I wrote about on Saturday have not been completely fixed, at least I can now go back online with my own laptop and almost have a functioning blog, although behind-the-scenes lies formidable challenges for three entities to unravel: Sprint, Apple/Mac and Time Warner are involved in the mashup of crossed signals and misconfigurations. Each company has to test the Home Network to determine if it's their equipment messing things up or not.

All I will say is that a few weeks ago, when a new cell phone service beat-out AT&T and was set up, there were unusual features added to what was once a landline that will now act as a secondary cell phone (at home, natch) which crashed the entire WiFi Home Network off and on for a day a few weeks ago until it seemed to calm down and all was "right" again: until I noticed an escalating amount of Error Messages for the simplest actions, as well as what I have written are misconfigurations in the background areas of this blog.

The final blow was dealt on late Friday night when I could no longer access the I-Net from my PC. (I'm not the Mac person in the house.) It's as if Mercury went INTO Retrograde the moment it actually went OUT of retrograde, as that is when all of this annoying crap began.

Are you a geek and love to read these pointless posts about when I have tech trouble? I hope so, or else the ramblings will not have a relatable point. For Geekies, this sort of complaint can be entertaining if you enjoy reading about someone else's tech problems that sound more screwed-up than your own. So, I'm doing a small service, here. Venting somewhat civilly on the annoyances Modern Technology bring(s) to our lives to supposedly help us save time, become more productive, blah-blah-blah.

Such promises are not always so if you don't have an IT person at the ready as I always did when in an office. Now, most of the time its up to me to find and fix the problems even when I do go to pro's who usually say I've done a good job on my own via online instructions and tutorials, and thus don't need a new laptop yet (as this one I'm on is rather new). "They" usually say a few tweaks here and there by me will finish the job and save time and money.

Hah! Thanks for the positive feedback, guys, but this latest crimp is beyond my skill level…which is why I won't and am not, taking this problem to you. I'm laying it all on one of the Big 3 Contenders mentioned above to fix things. Which is why, of course, it's taking longer than I would like. And, at some point soon, I may have another day or two of down-time when the "right" person finally answers the call (or comes to the house), correctly disgnoses the source of the problem, and adjusts the errors.

Patience is the key to Technology. But my patience is almost gone.

Nevertheless, it's nice to be back online and able to play around as best I can.

Now that you're caught-up in the Latest Shauna Z Techie Drama, you can breathe a sigh of relief and go about your day or evening knowing that somewhere, something is almost Right In The World despite flaws. Or something like that.

See you later!

Image via:


  1. Geek, here. Your predictament is unusually comples with those three wrapping their wires around each other which brings me to ask what are the error messages you have been receiving and what if anything you have tried to do in the fixin dept.

    Might not be able to help solve your mess, Shauna Z,although you do have my geeky curisoity.

    Call me TTR-M (To THE RESCUE MAYBE) ;))

    Male entity.

  2. Hi TTRM - Thanks for the interest in the problems. The primary Error is the typical Chrome-related 105 with regard to DNS not working properly. Alone, this problem is usually fixable by anyone with modest knowledge of their computer. Not working in this case despite atteempting 4 dif sets of instructions. Another error is, surprisingly, Error 21, which is almost always a Mac/Apple-product based issue.

    As mentioned, I'm not on Mac, but the other compute is. The main energy fixture connecting WiFi (TW) and the new additional Sprint box which is also to be placedd in the modem is the Apple/Mac Airport power plug. It no longer blinks green, just flashing orange.

    I think that when we were all knocked abruptly offline and I was working on this blog, something jammed and I ended-up ww/ Mac/Apple Airport-based bleedthroughs to my computer which happened immediately with the shifts and tests that day - none of which I had been warned would happen.

    It's very weird, but workable in the end. I hope.

    Thanks again. If you understand what I'm saying, then good for you!

    1. As usual, excuse the typos. Need new glasses, I guess. Or eyes. Whatever comes first.
