Sunday, March 31, 2013

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Street Art of the Day

Location - Paris
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Talking In Your Sleep

The Weekly Fluff

Greetings from one of North Korea's Missile Target Cities! Egad! How comfy to know a young kid who runs a country is rattling his form of sabers in a rather rash and irresponsible way. I thought Kim Jongeewonwhatever would be less crazy than his father, Kim-I-Love-Elvis, but no!

Should all of us on the West Coast start packing for safer ground? Who knows for certain? All I know is that more than ever I'm looking forward to bringing the Fluffiest Fluff to you that I can think of to blot out the above. So, while cautiously glancing out the windows for missiles, here we go on what's happening in Gossip Land:

Headlines are blaring the seriously important "news" that Our Not-So-Favourite Thug, Chris Brown, and his victim g/f Rihanna, have broken up! Again! Oh no! What are we going to do now? What other Horrific Coupling can we judge and shake our heads at? But wait! I read that it's not true. The soundbite where Brown said they were not together was from a radio interview quite a while ago and was used to (possibly) promo his new interview with the same station.

OR, the rumour may be a tease-up to those two charming devils having an April Fool's Day joke on the public. Hah-Hah. Sooo funny, they are. They know how to generate PR, eh?  Otherwise, who cares? If they did breakup it was/is for probably a day. You know those two can't quit each other.

Lindsay Low-Hand is...oh, never-mind.

Angelina Jolie enraged her detractors more than usual this week when she wore a simple ring on her Marriage Finger on a trip to the Congo, rather than her large so-called "engagement ring", creating speculation that she and her still MIA partner, Bradley Pitt, were secretly married. The trip was to raise awareness of rape in the Congo, but, instead, the media focused on her ring finger, which some people think is a form of rape because they still hate her for frolicking with Mr. Pitt when he was married to you-know-who. I say why not blame Pitt instead? Oh, right. They do.

Everyone hates Matt Lauer.

Everyone loves Anderson Cooper.

Kate Middleton is still preggers, as all headlines like to remind us. Pregnant Kate Goes Out To…. Pregnant Kate This, Pregnant Kate That. Got it! She's pregnant and goes out to places while pregnant. Amazing woman, she is!

No one has to tell us that Kim Kar-Kash-In is still with child. Or do they? Hard to tell with those horrendous outfits she's been wearing. And, pssst…hints are hinting-around that Kanye West isn't thrilled to be involved with the Kar-Kash-In drama and has been doing whatever he can to get away from public outings with his mistake Kimmy. You know you're in trouble if both Jay-Z and Anna Wintour invite you to events but tell you not to bring your Mommy-To-Be.

Kate Beckinsale has been wearing a lot of bikinis in Mexico.

Everyone loves Ryan Gosling more than ever for some reason.

Jennifer Lopez is a Diva! Did you know that? What a shock to learn that her Tour Rider Demands were just too much for one potential event/concert organizer to handle, thus she lost the gig. What did she want? A nude mannequin with a merkin? No, that's Lady Gag-Gag. Versace towels? Nope, that's uber status-seeking stylish Kanye West's deal. Did Lopez ask for a golden chariot filled with white doves and little dancing boys? Nope. She wants the use of a private plane and lots of hotel rooms for her entourage. At least that's what's been reported. Kind of basic requests from a Diva, don't you think? Geez, those cheapies!

Everyone continues to loathe Matt Lauer.

Seems like Justin Beaverland should reign-in his twisted friend, Lil Twist, cuz he seems to be messing things up every time he's using something of Justin's – such as cars that he tends to crash or having a major party filled with all kinds of no-no's at JB's home earlier this month that caused neighbours to contact police. Of course, little Beaver Boy wasn't there. Lil Twist needs a Lil Kick Out The Door, don't you think?

And, of course, Justin is in trouble with The Law! He spit on a neighbour and the neighbour wasn't happy with all of the marijuana juices on his face, so he's pressing charges against The Spitter. Nothing like pissing off your neighbours over and over again, is there? Time for JB to find a new place to live, methinks.

That's enough fluff for me today. Have a wonderful whatever!

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Street Art of the Day

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From Willie Nelson

Silent No More

Whew! What an intense two days it has been for the issue of Marriage Equality on both State and Federal levels! Facebook is as red as red can be this week, with so many heterosexual supporters of Gay Rights changing their Profile Images to various designs of marriage equality. Good for them! And good for all, really. Without brandishing a Flogging Whip at the Supreme Court Justices this time around, it is not surprising to learn how seemingly divided The Court is on the Federal DOMA debacle.

I use the word "debacle" because, for those whose heads are still spinning from the legalese involved in the debate, should DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) be overturned, the issue of Gay Marriage will remain in the State's control of who can marry whom. It would be "nice" if we did not have to deal with the argument at all and simply followed The Onion's satirical view on how the Supreme Court could have reacted. Read it HERE. 

However, all jokes aside, as history reflects, the trek to equality of any sort – racial, sexual, gender – has never been a quick trip but a long and truly winding road. I add "sexual" to the list although the primary concern of Gay Marriage Legality is far from resolved, but because the change in attitude toward gays/LGBT's has been tremendous within a relatively short period of time for many politicians as well as "regular people" now that the closet door has flung open on who is gay; how many years so many gay couples have been together, and how the perception of the LGBT Community is no longer that of OTT Queens and Heavy-Duty Butches as the only faces of a once-silent group.

The constitutionality of both Prop 8 in California and the DOMA will not be decided until June or July of this year. Oh, those Supremes are just Little Teases, aren't they?  Nevertheless, the fact that The Supreme Court is attempting to take the issues seriously (with one known exception by the name of Scalia) is considered by many voices to be a Win. One step further toward equality for an oppressed, discriminated-against, portion of the Human Population. One step closer to Basic Legal Fairness.

Stay tuned as spring turns into summer. Whatever the court decides on both issues, it's definitely going to be quite an interesting year for Marriage Equality. Gay Pride events this year will be hopping!

Thanks for dropping by.

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TECH UPDATE: For anyone who wondered where TDFB was yesterday we/I/me/they fixed that hole in the Home Network! Voila! The problems have been resolved! Thanks to a great techie from Apple Airport for patiently straightening out what the Sprint Booster Box did to cause the errors.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Street Art of the Day

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Supreme Beings of Shrugging

Today the U.S. Supreme Court deigned to hear arguments from both sides of the California Proposition 8 Gay Marriage Ban regarding whether or not Prop 8 is or is not constitutional. I listened to CSPAN's coverage (no cameras were in court) and heard the most boring, anti-climactic, wishy-washy mumblings from almost all concerned. Perhaps I'm being too harsh on those who took the time to attend and to stand up for Marriage Equality. They are doing their best, I'm sure.

Nevertheless, listening to our Supreme Beings Of Justice dither around the issue tells me it will take more time before the USA grows-up and allows Everyone in every state of the union to marry. Period. It is coming, but not right now. Chances are the Court will toss Prop 8's fate back to California where a lower court recently determined that Prop 8 was, indeed, unconstitutional, while The State's Supreme Court retains the ban.

While the Supremes prepare to hear arguments tomorrow for overturning DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act), I guarantee we'll hear another drum-beat of "What about the children?" as we heard today. Will two same-sex partners be good parents? Will the kids be harmed? How can we protect what is best for The Children?

It's always about The Little Ones, isn't it? Not really about what happens when people grow out of being Little and become Big Grown-Ups to supposedly live their lives in a happy wonderland of Love & Bliss with their partner of choice in a legal manner.

I love kids. I enjoy them. But when The Chillen's are used over and over again as the shield for bigotry, intolerance, fear of the unknown, I roll my eyes and shout, "But What About The Adults?" You know, people who "should" be able to make their own decisions and live with and procreate with and/or adopt with the person of their choice – gay or straight.

And the tired old argument that allowing gays to marry would destroy "the institution of marriage" has to be one of the biggest jokes and lies on the planet. Look at the heterosexual divorce rate. Look at all the heterosexual single parents. Don't tell me or others that marriage is to "procreate" legally when a high percentage of the population of married straights don't bear children of their own – or adopt – at all?

Marriage, as anyone who has even checked once, was never, ever set up for romance. Breeding and territorial concerns were the glue sticks. So, whenever I hear the sanctimonious grousing's of how allowing non-straights to marry would "harm" marriage is beyond my comprehension. I think marriage all by its own "hand" has "ruined it" when we see people marry 8 times. Or even more than once. When marriages produce children and then one of the parents leaves and never returns – for one reason or another. You've heard this argument many times, I'm sure.

Don't insult our intelligence with these lame examples. If our society was THAT concerned about The Kids and what they could be subjected to, then first off, one would need to cloister their child from all things and people of Modern Thinking. No TV, no movies, no violent videogames. No school with other kids where one learns what the word "fuck" means and how babies really are made. C'mon, people! Heterosexuals, for the most part, have Gay Babies! Period. It's part of nature. There are at least 450 – 1,500 animal species with homosexual "relationships" and/or "tendencies."

It's a balancing process of nature. Think about it.

You don't believe me? You disagree? Those hundreds-thousands of "gay" animals must be an anomaly? But, how could that be, I ask? I mean, don't uber religious people believe that God makes No Mistakes?

Think about it again and again if you're having a difficult time coming to terms with the fact that Homosexuality is NORMAL…if we can ever honestly determine what "Normal" really is. What is NOT "Normal" is repressing basic love and becoming full of self-hatred for Being Who You Are.

In reviewing your beliefs against homosexuality and gay marriage, for example, weigh your own hypocrisy if you can't accept that Love Is Love, as your religion supposedly taught you.

And finally, once more, please tell me (or anyone with my view) how a straight person would be HARMED with Marriage Equality? The only thing I can see that would be harmful is the hateful entitled pomposity of believing that what you have as a "right" cannot be shared with those of pure heart when, in the end, it's simply a document to be signed allowing people to have the same legal opportunities as anyone else. That's really it, in a legal sense. And right now with Prop 8, that's what it's about. Not religious doctrine. Just Legalese.

Remember, what goes on in the bedrooms of many a heterosexual couple is often a mirror to what gay couples do. But, of course, no one discusses this in open court or in "polite company" although sex toys abound in the nightstand drawers of many a straight couple – just like with some gay couples. And, by the way, not all gay men or women use toys. Sometimes they are just as boring in bed as their straight counterparts.

So, to be blunt, the hell with this nonsense about the kids. They do alright as we have seen in many testimonials over the past year. And to hell with the excuse that Marriage is a "scared institution". Hah! It is perhaps one of the most mis-used, corrupted, and laughable laws of the land.

On that churlish note, I bid you a temporary farewell for the day in writing.

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Monday, March 25, 2013

Street Art of the Day

Note: Spaces above and below image are as is for now.

Artist - Mr. Brainwash
Format/Medium - Mural/Stencil & Paint
Location - London
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Fixing a Hole

TDFB's Almost Back!

Old habits do die hard. Such as my almost-daily writing. I had to write a few words today because I gather I am a writer who needs to write something. Although half of the Tech issues I wrote about on Saturday have not been completely fixed, at least I can now go back online with my own laptop and almost have a functioning blog, although behind-the-scenes lies formidable challenges for three entities to unravel: Sprint, Apple/Mac and Time Warner are involved in the mashup of crossed signals and misconfigurations. Each company has to test the Home Network to determine if it's their equipment messing things up or not.

All I will say is that a few weeks ago, when a new cell phone service beat-out AT&T and was set up, there were unusual features added to what was once a landline that will now act as a secondary cell phone (at home, natch) which crashed the entire WiFi Home Network off and on for a day a few weeks ago until it seemed to calm down and all was "right" again: until I noticed an escalating amount of Error Messages for the simplest actions, as well as what I have written are misconfigurations in the background areas of this blog.

The final blow was dealt on late Friday night when I could no longer access the I-Net from my PC. (I'm not the Mac person in the house.) It's as if Mercury went INTO Retrograde the moment it actually went OUT of retrograde, as that is when all of this annoying crap began.

Are you a geek and love to read these pointless posts about when I have tech trouble? I hope so, or else the ramblings will not have a relatable point. For Geekies, this sort of complaint can be entertaining if you enjoy reading about someone else's tech problems that sound more screwed-up than your own. So, I'm doing a small service, here. Venting somewhat civilly on the annoyances Modern Technology bring(s) to our lives to supposedly help us save time, become more productive, blah-blah-blah.

Such promises are not always so if you don't have an IT person at the ready as I always did when in an office. Now, most of the time its up to me to find and fix the problems even when I do go to pro's who usually say I've done a good job on my own via online instructions and tutorials, and thus don't need a new laptop yet (as this one I'm on is rather new). "They" usually say a few tweaks here and there by me will finish the job and save time and money.

Hah! Thanks for the positive feedback, guys, but this latest crimp is beyond my skill level…which is why I won't and am not, taking this problem to you. I'm laying it all on one of the Big 3 Contenders mentioned above to fix things. Which is why, of course, it's taking longer than I would like. And, at some point soon, I may have another day or two of down-time when the "right" person finally answers the call (or comes to the house), correctly disgnoses the source of the problem, and adjusts the errors.

Patience is the key to Technology. But my patience is almost gone.

Nevertheless, it's nice to be back online and able to play around as best I can.

Now that you're caught-up in the Latest Shauna Z Techie Drama, you can breathe a sigh of relief and go about your day or evening knowing that somewhere, something is almost Right In The World despite flaws. Or something like that.

See you later!

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Tech Issues Abound

Hi there. For the next few days TDFB may not be least on a regular basis until a screwed-up conflicting new device is fixed/adjusted that has compromised the WiFi Network I utilize, and has reconfigured background elements in the blog which have become troublesome.

Maintenance on both the laptop and WiFi network will require several days unless a tech wizard shows up on the weekend.

For now, I'm on a backup laptop that is not always available for use.

Thanks for dropping by in the interim.

Ah, the ease of New Technology!


Oh well, I needed a small vacation anyway.

See you soon one way or another.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Street Art of the Day

Artist - BELIN
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A Different Experience - Film Short (PG & Cute)

Thursday's Surprise Tidbits

Good day to you! I had hoped to focus on one subject to flog about today, however, after reading several intriguing/horrific/educational/interesting online articles, the solution to the quandary of what to do was simple: create a web-links-based post a few days early. So, that's what we're doing today for your pleasure (or mebe not). Onward…

Thanks, NASA. I feel so safe now. E-gads!

'March Madness' isn't always about basketball:  The Daily Kos Tournament Is On!

It's arrogant for humans to think we know everything about Earth: We Have A Lot To Learn 

The Internet is alive, vibrant, colorful, and doing very well as you can now see: Bong Time

Hey Wimmens! Here's a 'March Madness' tournament based on how much the GOP loves us – Not

Hey Gays! You probably already know about the story and the jerk who doth protest too much: But You (And Some Wimmens) Might Like The Picture

That's enough for today!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Street Art of the Day

Artist - DOME
Location - Istanbul
Format - Mural
Image via:

The Last Time

It's About Time

Spring is here! Or so the calendar tells us so. Right there in print: First Day Of Spring. And, because a calendar based on Northern Hemisphere Mood Swings dictates what we are to celebrate; change; at what date and time to do these things, then it must be so despite blizzards in the Northeastern part of The States. Spring has not yet sprung there, while the West Coast is having a nice in-between weather pattern of some rain, some snow, some sun, some wind, some hot days, some cold days. You know, kind of what Spring is like – a mixture of winter leaving and summer's approach.

But, do we need to follow everything the calendar imparts to us? Such as the annual Daylight Saving Time shift? I know, I know. There was a practical reason for its inception. But, do we need it now? So many people become depressed in the fall when we turn our clocks back one hour and end up with a pitch-black 5:00 p.m. that feels as if it's at least 9:00 p.m. for months. By the time our bodies have fully adjusted to the early darkness, it's time to move the clock forward an hour. Suddenly, it is bright and sunny until at least 8:00 p.m. and once more our bodies and mental health are challenged to adjust.

For what purpose are we doing this to ourselves again? Isn't it best that, as creatures of this planet, we allow ourselves to simply flow with the natural patterns of the seasons without abrupt mind-and-body-altering disruptions? You may not think it's a big deal one way or another if your country doesn't play the DST Mind-Game, or if you are among the minority of humans who aren't affected by nature's shifts. For those of us who are affected by DST in the fall, more than in the spring, it is a big deal. Thus, I've researched the history of why we do it in the U.S. and have come to the nifty conclusion that it isn't necessary to play around with the clocks every year.

Here is the history of Daylight Saving Time if you're interested. If so, what do you think? Is shelving DST a good idea? Any state can do it – and a few have (Arizona, Hawaii). There are no Federal Mandates/Laws for DST, which is something I find interesting as of all the things So-Called 'Big Government' would be interested in controlling, one would think it would be Time.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Street Art of the Day

Artist AliCè.
Location - East London (?)
Medium - Basic Paint
Image via:

Warwick Avenue

The Daily 15 Minutes of a Writer

Do you see how happy the writer is in the picture here? She's sooo damn happy I almost feel envy for her time at the Writing Machine, as writers, some people think, have all the time in the world on our hands to dither about on how to form a coherent, uniquely written sentence, don't we?

Not really. Sometimes it feels that way if one is writing a novel that requires a plot to develop, characters to create, witty and briskly entertaining dialogue to add if the writer is reaching for more than a pulp-ish platform.

But, in general, writing doesn't always flow easily from the mind to the fingers to the page, and deadlines are more often than not for professional writers. Thus, the need for speed with small allowance for deep concentration to make an article or story zing. That is why "practice makes writers almost perfect" is to be followed. It doesn't matter if one is a pro or amateur, the mantra for writers to write SOMETHING for at least 15 minutes a day is key to the craft; is not as easy as it may seem after the first few days of such a commitment, and it requires discipline. That's why The Lady above looks not happy at all, as she is stuck on a word and may just sit there for hours. She's practicing, but it will require years to become perfect at that pace.

However, for me, writing all of these words means I have done my duty for the day as a fledgling writer, and will now take my leave to stare sadly, as with the woman above, at a blank screen waiting for me to fill it with life and stories that reside inside my furry brain.

I do have stories to tell. It's time I start re-writing them to sell.

Until tomorrow, have a wonderful day/evening/middle-of-the-night/morning!

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Monday, March 18, 2013

New Art of the Day

Format - Photography
Location - Paris
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The Weekly Fluff

Hello there! You might already know most of what I'll write about today, but hey, why not relive the week's Fluff just one more time before more embarrassing/nightmare-making/silly wardrobe malfunctions and so on nab the headlines again?

Before we begin a stroll through Gossip-Land, the world went on Pause for nearly an hour this morning waiting for Mizzy Dizzy Lindsay Lohan to arrive from NY to LAX to jump into different clothing, leap into attorney Mark Heller's car, to then finally make her appearance almost an hour late to the Santa Monica courthouse for her scheduled court hearing. Yet another bizarre Lindsay Low-Hand episode of Get Thee To The Court On Time – Never.

Her Lowness has finally come to whatever senses remain now that she's seemingly ruined her nose for good, unable to smell roses among the vines, as it were. But the very thought of going to jail must have reached the inner recesses of her mind, drifting like a spot of white powdery stuff through the tunnels of her sinuses right up into the mausoleum that is her brain, as she has now struck a plea deal with prosecutors for her Lying To The Cops debacle back in whatever year it was – seems sooo long ago, doesn't it? So many Crackie Episodes Ago, in fact. Hard to keep track of why she's in court every other month.

This time, Lindsay will go back to Rehab for 90 days Locked-Down; will dabble in Community Service – again – and (supposedly) go to jail for 5 days...but wait! Surprise! Those 5 days will be rolled into her Rehab Time, so no jail, actually. Again. Gee. What a shock! And, once again, she almost slides.

No further comment on The Ultimate Mess. I can hear the smoke flying out of many, many ears from those who think she should be in jail for a number of reasons.

Now, on to this Fluff:

First off, you might know that the past few weeks have been Velly Velly Bad for little Justin Beaverland. Wow! Collapsing onstage? Making fans wait at a concert until he was booed? Trying to punch-out a paparazzo while wearing his latest jammy's in public? But what's the "rumour"? Nothing, really. Just a kid with too much money, too many screaming fans, and no more Selena Gomez to keep him somewhat grounded. Whispers abound that intervention is in the making.

Poor thing, he's  so deep into his own PR that Justin (reportedly) refuses to be involved with his mother's new book! I mean, who wouldn't want to be part of a story about drug addiction and that sort of unsavory info while acting-out like a Wannabe Chris BrownGet some sleep, little darlin', and try to find pants small enough to suit you next time you're out and about.

Suspicions mount over whether Kanye West and Kim K are really REAL or just another PR couple. But what about The Baby! Was Kim Kar-Kash-In's near-miscarriage simply the opening scene of what will follow when Kanye runs for his life to get away from the damage he's done to his already not-so-grand Famewhore Reputation? Is she actually, truly, honestly preggers, curious minds want to know.

James Franco actually laughed AT himself during an interview with Stephen Colbert. Do you like him now?

Kristen Stewart continues to look bored until she hangs out with her female BFF's.

Chris Brown continues to show us how mature he is now that he's just screaming at valet's over a $10 parking fee and not slamming women to the ground but, instead, sings about how he owns a certain part of a woman's body if she's his "bitch." How charming, as always.

I don't know how you feel, of course, but I'm having trouble watching The Client with Jennifer Love-Hewitt this season. She's done something to her face. It's odd. Distracting. She still wants us to see her in bikini's, though. Some things never change.

And what is the Truth about Lil Wayne's condition? Reports still have him at Cedars Sinai in ICU surrounded by Major Friends such as Drake, all in a "very serious" mood. Whatever is going on, it doesn't sound great. Anything else I'd write would only be conjecture, so that's it on this developing situation for now.

I promise you that somewhere in the Celeb Universe someone is becoming pregnant at this very moment. Hollywood is just FULL of New Babies!

I've now hit my Low Point for the day. Fluffing-Off until tomorrow!

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Street Art of the Day

Artist - Eduardo Korba
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Saturday Tidbits #42,000

Hello there. Am posting later than usual for a Saturday as I was caught-up in my daily Internet Reading. On my rounds, a few articles caught my eye to share with everyone. So, here we go…

Science: Spaced-Out 

Idiots: More CPAC Crap 

Lies: About When To Lie 

Vatican: Thrift Or Greed? 

Eco: Green Stuff 

Celebs: Hough Cares? 

Wrists: Help At Last! 

Clever: Clean Sheets And Everything 

Politics: A Reminder

That's it for now! Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Unusual Art of the Day

Artist - Emma Hack
Format - Body Painting (Above consists of people.)
Image & Details via:

To Warm Your Cold, Dark Heart

Too Much Head-Talk Ahead

Now that Black Smoke from The Vatican has been replaced by the white, the sacred beacon of There's A New Pope In Vatican City, the masses have schlepped back from whence they came to stand outside the Vatican to see the First Appearance of Yet Another Old Man Who Hates Gays presiding over the Gayest Breeding Ground Evah For Repressed Homosexuals (and Not-Repressed Pedophiles). 

The new Pope will not be entirely "new" as he follows most of the rigidity Pope Benedict XVI exhibited, so we can go back to what we were doing, safe in the knowledge that at least some things don't change. In other places in the world, however, too much change goes on, throwing-off our daily schedules. If you're not on your iPad or Smartphone or at the office 24/7, you very well might watch TV sometimes and have favourites on your MUST WATCH list. And then – poof! – the show is gone or the anchor is missing at the desk, replaced by someone with a less friendly face or manner. Bummer.

Well, here we go again! The latest Change In Partners/Hosts on TV is once again from MSNBC, my once MOST WATCHED network, now falling behind Investigation Discovery where I can get my daily dose of blood-sport, intrigue, back-stabbing (literally), scandals – all of these delightful stories – outside of politics. From my POV, MSNBC is possibly shooting its "self" in their sore footsies again with the latest planned anchor/show host/show change.

To what, you ask, am I referring? The burly, very outspoken, Plain English Kind Of Guy, Ed Schultz, is leaving his primetime, highly rated The Ed Show on MSNBC to do a few hours on weekends at the network for greater "in-depth" stories closer to Ed's heart.

Okay. We've heard this sort of reasoning/excuse/explanation before when someone leaves their program/position by "choice." But I'm not so sure what is honestly going down this time. Between the recent serious health issue concerning his wife, and Ed's determination to become the Major Voice for the Working Folk, any or all of the "stuff" being tossed out to the media and the audience regarding the shift is possible without adding a jaded eye to the Fine Print.  MSNBC has made good programming-hosting decisions, and, as with all networks of any kind, have also made mistakes.

First, when Keith Olbermann left his slot and MSNBC chose to place the lower-key, non-fiery in attitude Lawrence O'Donnell in that time frame I knew, by simple instinct, that it was a wrong move. Those of us who watched Countdown were used to the intense energy Olbermann exuded in his shows. He was able to succinctly, often eloquently and pompously, vent the frustration many of his viewers were feeling and wanted to see someone in the media fully expressing for some kind of sanity and balance during the Dubya Years. He continued to blaze on when Obama took office, but then, that ole' "poof" took over and he was gone! Just like that!

Suddenly, in the Ire's Fire Time Slot, there was uber-gentleman Lawrence O'Donnell calmly expressing the new frustrations we were feeling about the GOP with a lulling tone that sent most of us to sleep. I felt that a better move at the beginning would have been to put fiery Ed into Keith's slot, and have O'Donnell wind-up the primetime lineup – which eventually happened to higher ratings for all. But, it required months and months of flagging ratings for both shows for someone at the network to grasp what the essence of that time slot was truly all about, which is a strong, vocal human passion over injustices of every kind for everyone with an Open Mind and at least a slightly Liberal Bent.

But now that Ed is slipping away to the corners of MSNBC's weird weekend programming lineup, it seems that no one at the network "got it" the first time around based on their choice of Ed's replacement: Nerdy Chris Hayes, who has slowly been creeping up the NBC Grooming Vine, will now go from weekends to weekdays in that coveted time slot. He has neither the fire or the sense or moral outrage that both Olbermann and Schultz have which is what is expected from that network at 8:00 ET, 5:00 PST.

As a viewer, I want less Headiness Talk at that hour and more emotion. After that, I'm ready for Nerdy With Humour & Emotion from Rachael Maddow. And, should I care to continue watching TV, Lawrence O'Donnell's show following Rachael's feels just right for that time of night and is almost bearable when he isn't enunciating Every. Single. Word. Ad. Nauseum.

Disclaimer: I've always had difficulty relating to Chris Hayes. I find him to be shrill-ish (though he's toned-it-down a tad over the months), too word-ish, not funny or even witty (not suggesting he tries to be either one, but still…), and, in general, a bore. I can understand why The Suits at Comcast (which/that/whom owns NBC which/that/whom, in turn, owns MSNBC yadda yadda) would like to gain a younger demographic of Nerdy-Types whom Rachael attracted at the beginning before almost everyone fell in love with her brain and modesty, and how, on paper, it would seem logical to place another nerd, this time the Male Version Of Rachael (which is how I've always perceived the network's pushing-him-in-our-faces-all-of-the-time) back-to-back with each other.

But, it ain't gonna work. True, this time the transition is different in that Ed is no Keith, and most of us at that juncture were still feeling that 5/8:00 PM (or whatever time it was on for your area) void of Keith's Righteous Indignation-Fueled Verbiage that the only successful replacement for him at first needed to be someone who carried the same torch, albeit in a less refined manner, as Ed finally proved.

Now it's to be a Nerdy-Nerd with a Nerdy-Nerd's Voice (literally and figuratively). I don't think I can with Chris. He's probably a very decent guy in person, but he's not for me on TV, thank you very much.

So, what to do at 5:00 PST when Chris takes over in April? Hello World! I finally have the impetus to go for daily walks in the 'hood! Or use that hour to take a lovely late-day shower…

No matter what I do, MSNBC, you're losing me increasingly.

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Street Art of the Day

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A Special Tribute to Paul Ryan

Who Deserves a Flog Today?

Allow me to jump into the Paul Ryan Is A Horrible, Evil Person public floggings with my own Flogging Whip at hand. How typical and predictable of me, a few of you cynics may think (cuz, you know after yesterday's post how much I need to worry about what you all think of me). Must you read another round of how Awful Ryan Is for our country? More endless bashings with no real solution to how to deal with His Kind? Lots of words spouting his hypocrisy and cruelty to everyone but the very rich in his Budget Proposal? Acting as if the GOP won the election and the Dems and Prez Obama have to bend one more time to their wily shrilly-stubborn-defiant-wills? No. I just summed-up the basic communal media conversation and will now go about my own version of Why People Like Me do not, and never could, like Paul Ryan, in a simpler and more earthy manner. Let's begin at the more banal and edge toward the Final Answer.

  • He's in love with his abs and let's everyone know it
  • His nose is really long – just like Pinocchio
  • His nose gets bigger every time he talks
  • He looks creepy when his eyes bug out while he's trying to stare someone down
  • The guy is cocky – and it's unfounded beyond his abs
  • He has forgotten his roots
  • Everything he wants to cut in the budget will kill our elderly and poor
  • He is in love with the 1%
  • He is beholden to the 1-2%
  • He lacks compassion and basic humanity
  • Chances are he cackles instead of laughs in private
  • He wants to turn everything upside down in our society and government without a care in the world
  • He is delusional about the budget and a total failure at math
  • I don't like how he smirks
  • He and his Hill friends are Social-Political Sadists

Want to know his history and how Social Security provided the foundation for his younger years and college tuition? Read It Here – so, yes, I don't like him in a Big Way for all of the obvious reasons beyond my list. His is The Face Of American Disgrace. *

And you can quote me on that.

The Ryan Budget Details

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Semi-Traditional Art of the Day

Artist - Pixie Cold
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Don't You Forget About Me

So, What Do You Think - of Me?

TDFB is ignoring Paul Ryan's insane budget proposal today because it's simply insane. Instead, let's delve into other subjects such as Self-Help Affirmations and beliefs.

To boost our spirits/attitude during times of doubt or worse, we often fall upon inspiration through a variety of sources: religion; self-help CD's and books; quotations from "wise" people…

A plethora of guidance/platitudes/suggestions for the Soul & A Happy Life abound within Facebook postings in numerous forms on my News Feed every day. Your FB experience might be similar if you have friends who are floating along a Spiritual Path or, in the midst of a Meltdown and need to share what is getting them through the night, as it were/was/always will be. All cool. Nice. Helpful. As well as sometimes extremely annoying in the chirpiness of a few.

Nevertheless, one particular "reminder" has given me pause to reflect on what some of the wise words/attitudes actually mean – and that is the one where we are not to be concerned about what other people think of us and just go on our way, raising our consciousness' to higher levels, warding-off toxic thinking and worrying about what "others" think of us so that we may live longer and prosper.

Okay. The idea of not allowing ourselves to fall victim to how others think of us is correct in the overview. If we spend time curbing our desires, thoughts or actions, because we fear the backlash of how others will perceive us via our seeming nonchalance, it is understandable that such a "negative" thinking process could harm our health and sense of self esteem, thus causing illness or general ennui. I would never take away that thought/idea/belief/affirmation. HOWEVER (you saw it coming, didn't you?), I have a few words to impart regarding the Other Side Of The 'Don't Worry About…' coin.

When I didn't care what people thought of me as a kid, I was sent to the Principal's Office all of the time for various acts of supposed non-compliance with School Rules (such as writing love notes to boys instead of doing my tests).

When I was "being myself" at work or play, not concerned with how I was viewed, I ended-up with a reputation for being on hard drugs due to my intense energy, when, in truth, it was pure adrenalin that I have threatened to sell on the street. The incorrect "drug" rep affected my career for a few minutes here and there until it became clear I was far from a coke- or meth-head. I learned to "tone it down" and became very aware of my behaviour, which, in the end, sent the whisperings away.

I could continue listing the many ways in which I have not, or did not, concern myself with what others thought of me and how the repercussions hurt not only my life but of those close to me. But you get the point, I hope. What should one do? Surely there is a fine line between following polite/PC routes of behaviour (meaning: be careful to not make an ass out of ones' self or else be damned), and living one's life without the angst of "What will they think of me if I do (fill in the blank)."

Again, I'm not suggesting that we simply say to hell with it and run wild in the neighbourhood at 3:00 A.M. singing our latest fav tune at full-throttle-voice levels; however, I'm attempting to express a need for balance in how we use the wisdom of not allowing what others think of us to dampen our dreams and personalities until they fall flat and we end up faceless, pointless PC Robots.

Perhaps the key to all of this is simple: If we have done something without thinking about the consequences, then we have to own up and accept the clichéd "responsibility" of whatever it is we need to admit, then live with it, and not fall into the Vat Of Worry over the opinions of others about us and, in the "future", try to avoid doing whatever it is if it has harmed our friendships or Biz Relationships so that there will be nothing to "worry" about.

At the same time, to be A Real Person who is true to one's self, there are times, moments, situations and what-not, where we just have to say F-K IT! I AM WHO I AM, so take it or leave it! Ah, but to do so, one has to be brave and ready to be fired, divorced, gossip-ed about, etc., without blaming anyone but ourselves – if a "need" to "blame" is at all relevant.

Did you understand all of the above? I'm not quite sure I made my point in the clearest way, but I do care what YOU think about it, which is why I'm going to re-double-check my spelling and word spacing. After all, I'm supposed to be good at these things and when I'm not, well, wow, do I worry!

On that note, I bid you a temp farewell in writing for the day!

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Monday, March 11, 2013

For Your Eyes Only When In Need of Sleep

Well, well, well... Everything happens for a reason! The minute I finished posting the below, my network I-Net connection went down for most of the day due to a new device interfering with the signal. I could not have published anything I had written, as well as anything else, in a timely fashion. 

Always listen to your intuition. 

Sometimes there truly IS a practical reason for being a slacker.  

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My Weekly Mantra

Hello there! I don't know what on earth to write about today. I've tried to write a few posts, but they were boring. Not a serious problem. Most of my non-posts happen on Mondays more than any other day. And, as today is Monday, I'm taking the day off! 

See you later!

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Street Art of the Day

Artist - FIN DAC
Location - London
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Castle of Glass

Sunday Tidbits #3

While zooming around the Interweb(s) today, this/these/those below is/are what I stumbled upon.

This is far more important than general health care: Let's Waste More Money!

Well, he tried… A Very Different Life 

Want to learn something new? The History Of Drones 

Smart Biz or something else? Martha Does It Again – Sorta 

So, you have sleep problems? Help Is On The Way? 

This is how to carry your doggie: No One Will Notice 

Feeling poetic and need some help? Up, Up And Away We Go 

Wait a minute! Hoof In Mouth? 

Ouch! Mine Eyes! 

Get your pigs out ASAP! Quick Money Tip 

That's it for today!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Street Art of the Day - I Assume

Clear attribution info Currently Unavailable


The Weekly Fluff

Hello there! You might already know most of what I'll write about today, but hey, why not relive the week's Fluff just one more time before more embarrassing/nightmare-making/silly wardrobe malfunctions and so on nab the headlines again?

Before we begin a stroll through Gossip-Land, the world went on Pause for nearly an hour this morning waiting for Mizzy Dizzy Lindsay Lohan to arrive from NY to LAX to jump into different clothing, leap into attorney Mark Heller's car, to then finally make her appearance almost an hour late to the Santa Monica courthouse for her scheduled court hearing. After yet another bizarre Lindsay Low-Hand episode of Get Thee To The Court On Time – Never.

Her Lowness has finally come to whatever senses remain now that she's seemingly ruined her nose for good, unable to smell roses among the vines, as it were. But the very thought of going to jail must have reached the inner recesses of her mind, drifting like a spot of white powdery stuff through the tunnels of her sinuses right up into the mausoleum that is her brain, as she has now struck a plea deal with prosecutors for her Lying To The Cops debacle back in whatever year it was – seems sooo long ago, doesn't it? So many Crackie Episodes Ago, in fact. Hard to keep track of why she's in court every other month.

This time, Lindsay will go back to Rehab for 90 days Locked-Down; will dabble in Community Service – again – and  go to jail for 5 days. Gee. What a surprise! Once again, she almost slides. No further comment.

On to this:

First off, we  know that the past few weeks have been Velly Velly Bad for little Justin Beaverland. Wow! Collapsing onstage? Making fans wait at a concert until he was booed? Trying to punch-out a paparazzo while wearing his latest jammy's in public? But what's the "rumour"? Nothing, really. Just a kid with too much money, too many screaming fans, and no more Selena Gomez to keep him somewhat grounded. Whispers abound that intervention is in the making.

Poor thing, he's  so deep into his own PR that Justin (reportedly) refuses to be involved with his mother's new book! I mean, who wouldn't want to be part of a story about drug addiction and that sort of unsavory info while acting-out like a Wannabe Chris Brown? Get some sleep, little darlin', and try to find pants small enough to suit you next time you're out and about.

Suspicions mount over whether Kanye West and Kim K are really REAL or just another PR couple. But what about The Baby! Was Kim Kar-Kash-In's near-miscarriage simply the opening scene of what will follow when Kanye runs for his life to get away from the damage he's done to his already not-so-grand Famewhore Reputation? Is she actually, truly, honestly preggers, curious minds want to know.

James Franco actually laughed AT himself during an interview with Stephen Colbert. Do you like him now?

Kristen Stewart continues to look bored until she hangs out with her female BFF's.

Chris Brown continues to show us how mature he is now that he's just screaming at valet's over a $10 parking fee and not slamming women to the ground but, instead, sings about how he owns a certain part of a woman's body if she's his "bitch." How charming, as always.

I don't know how you feel, of course, but I'm having trouble watching The Client with Jennifer Love-Hewitt this season. She's done something to her face. It's odd. Distracting. She still wants us to see her in bikini's, though. Some things never change.

And what is the Truth about Lil Wayne's condition? Reports still have him at Cedars Sinai in ICU surrounded by Major Friends such as Drake, all in a "very serious" mood. Whatever is going on, it doesn't sound great. Anything else I'd write would only be conjecture, so that's it on this developing situation for now.

I promise you that somewhere in the Celeb Universe someone is becoming pregnant at this very moment. Hollywood is just FULL of New Babies!

I've now hit my Low Point for the day. Fluffing-Off until tomorrow!

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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Semi-Tradittional Art of the Day

Artist - Jerico Santander
Medium - ????
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