Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Who Deserves a Flog Today?

Obama is at the end of The Flogging Whip today. My rant won't go on for long. What I feel and want to say has already been written, quite beautifully, I will add, by Andrew Sullivan from The Daily Beast (Read Here). What Mr. Sullivan is saying about Prez Obama is nauseatingly true and, therefore, I am Flogging Barack Obama to the nth degree once more. Why? Well, if you didn't read the above linked article, then I'll make it succinct: To me and many others, if Obama loses the election because of that piss-poor "debate" last week with excuses from allies and foes that he feels "too busy" or arrogant or has fallen head-first into the Presidential Bubble of Out-Of-Touchness, it won't be anyone's fault but his own. The IMAGE he projected during a VERY IMPORTANT DEBATE often means more than what is said. Just ask the ghost of Richard Nixon next time he flies by your window on a cold, damp night. Already Obama is losing in the polls to a man who is nothing but a liar because he LOOKED STRONG on stage while Barack looked like a bored or chastised child. I'm not sure which one it really is, but my guess is that he just didn't care to properly prepare, which is one of most arrogant, conceited attitudes a person can carry around. I am beginning to agree with other writers/bloggers that The Prez may not really want his job anymore. If not, he is letting his Base down once again, and if so, he's letting his Base down once again. Know what I mean? We are pissed now that the numbers are coming-out from the debates and once-strong leads over Romney in key states and voting demographics are reflecting a drastic shift in focus. All of which are AWAY FROM the president –  partially because he became Clint Eastwood's Empty Chair last Wednesday. He's smarter than that. He is better than what he was that night. If he had gone into verbal combat (as in a real "debate") with Romney and still came out of it losing support, then the perception many of us have right now would or could be different. But NO. He lost an important opportunity through inaction - and this time, bro', it really matters how one looks and acts on a stage with a contender. Shame the eff on you!

(Do read the article above. It is one of the main reasons why I wrote this post today.)

See you later!


  1. This is what it boils down to dear Shauna. For the FIRST TIME since he was elected, he had to stand before the American public, and TRY to defend himself. Problem is, he has failed miserably, and has no record to stand on. This is the first time he has been confronted. The first time he's had to try to make sense without a teleprompter in front of his face. The first time his ardent supporters have seen him for what he really is. And still, after the debate, the best you and his campaign can come up with is, "Romney is a liar." Not once this week in his campaign speeches has he addressed the problems of this country. He's too busy calling Romney a liar, and sticking up for Big Bird. Yesterday's stump speeches score like this. (Factual numbers)
    BIG BIRD: 12 John

  2. Romney is a liar? Check this out: DURING HIS CAMPAIGN
    My Church is like any other Christian church-My wife didn't mean what she said about pride in country-I barely know Rezko-I don't have lobbyists-Seniors making less than $50,000 will not have to pay taxes-
    Will have troops out of Iraq by March 31, 2009-My father served in WWII-
    When a bill lands on my desk, the American people will have five days to review it before I sign it-I'll get rid of earmarks-I will have the most transparent presidency in history-Didn't know Jeremiah Wright was a radical-Minimum wage will increase to $9.50 per hour-I had an uncle who was one of the first Americans to go into Auschwitz and liberate the concentration camps-Mr. Ayers is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, but not somebody I exchange ideas with on a regular basis-No more wiretapping of citizens-I will walk the picket line with you if workers are denied the right to bargain. John

  3. LIES DURING HIS FIRST YEAR: Won't raise taxes on those making less than $250,000 a year-Will close GITMO within one year-I am not somebody who supports same sex marriage-We have launched a housing program that
    will help responsible families who are the threat of facing foreclosure
    lower their monthly payments and refinance their home-I happen to be a proponent of single payer universal health care plan-No earmarks in the $787 billion stimulus-Unemployment rate will be 8.5% without the stimulus-Recovery Act will save jobs-As President, I will recognize the Armenian Genocide-Health care deals will be broadcast on C Span-Will cut the deficit in half by end of first term-

  4. I could go on and on with his lies over the next two years, but what's the point? I think his biggest lie, was on inauguration day when he said he would "Support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." Rather, he has done an end around on the constitution by appointing Communists, child molester's,
    and Socialists to his cabinet, while suing states who want to control their borders, and using executive orders to get votes from illegal aliens. Now, you tell me who's the liar?? John

  5. "There you go again" John. Have you ever admitted to any of the flaws a GOPer has? Is it always about anti-Dem's and "Liberals" and that sort of thing? I have been able to bash both a Prez I support and politico's on both sides when I do not. I believe that kind of focus is "Fair and Balanced."

    My dear, it is the Uber-Conservatives like you who watch and BELIEVE Fox News - really thinking that they ARE "fair and balanced" - who give your ilk such a bad name, image, and so on. You say I swallow every bit of Obama's "stuff" while, quite clearly, I prove otherwise...

    You are far from "fair and balanced" my friend. I have yet to hear any true humility on your part when it involves politics. You are a Poster Boy for Fox News. Sorry to say.

    Whatever, send me a new tune and I'll still listen to it and provide feedback.

  6. P.S. John - Obama made promises during his campaign that I believe he couldn't follow when various realities hit him when he finally sat down at his new desk. This is a truth for all presidents. I doubt O's "vision" for America was based on Lies...whereas Romney simply flat-out LIES about almost EVERYTHING. And, you know it. So chill on the blind-eye to Romney and attempting to slay a Democrat in particular.

    There you have it - once again.

  7. Bullshit. If you search your memory banks, you will recall that on MORE than one occasion, when I have been wrong, I have admitted it.
    How dare you call me a poster boy for FOX news? I, unlike certain people I know, am not so blinded by hatred, that I do not check out the other news sources. I always go to the left wing media when Fox breaks a story, to get their point of view. But you know what? 99 out of 100 times, there's nothing there. You saw NOTHING on the two black panthers in uniform intimidating voters. You head NOTHING of fast and furious for nearly a year. Look how the Libya scandal is and has been covered by the left wing media? And on and on. The media is so in the tank for Obama, that they refuse to report on anything that makes him or his presidency look bad. At any rate, I'm done arguing with you.

  8. John, I always luv it when you talk "mad" to me!

