Friday, May 25, 2012

OMG! What Happened?

Yep. I've done it again. Changed the template and colour scheme of the blog. Whenever I've attempted to make a radical shift in the look of TDFB, reactions from friends have been mixed, and with threats from some to never read my blog again in the new design, I would always return it to the same template and colours, making a few subtle changes over time.

Now, here we are, in a darker land of greys rather than beige and gold. What can I say? The desire to make a visual shift and to add and/or remove various elements has been gnawing at me for months. So, for now, at least, I'm going to work with this new look, refining a few unresolved design issues.

I hope you like the change. If not, at least the content will be the same and before you know it, the other version will be but a hazy beige in your memory. Or, you'll just stomp away in a huff and tell me it's "too dark" for you - something like that.

It's okay. Not everyone likes change. 

Yes, it's supposed to be a rule with websites and blogs that consistency is key. Keep the same look, same colours, etc. It's one's Brand, after all, and people like to visit places where they are comfortable - whether they like the design or not. But, aside from the name of the blog and the font, that's all the Branding I've done thus far. And it may be all the Branding I need.

I go to many websites and blogs each day that I find visually horrendous on every level. Yet, they are popular, prosperous, and influential. Ultimately that means it's the content that matters more than the appearance, although it doesn't hurt to have a clean-looking site.

Beyond this update, that's it in writing for the day. Thanks for stopping by.
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