Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Defense Rests - No Direct Jests

Real life entertainment courtroom drama is dead in the sinking scum of muddy water in Greensboro, North Carolina!

How dare the John Edwards' defense rest their case without providing the tawdry unwholesome soap-opera-ish drama of witnessing The Seductress, Reille Hunter, make an entrance; by not bringing the once-in-tears-in-court daughter Cate Edwards to the stand? Or Mr. Cad himself.

Now I must go back to watching fictional TV dramas again as Mr. Edwards' defense did right by everyone concerned. Had any of the three sat/squirmed/churned in the witness chair, the entire legal and personal affair would have sent Edwards' case into an even steeper PR spiral.

Isn't the case about using campaign money to hide a mistress, or has the case crossed over into what a cad the Cad really is? Last week's testimonies from a flurry of ex-Edwards' cronies and personal bankers as it were, indicated nothing more than a lot of money went to Edwards from several sources and much of it ended-up paying for lovely homes, hotels, and keeping Hunter on the move from the scent of the media? Didn't one donor specifically spend their offering knowing where it was going? As in, directly paying for Hunter's neato $20,000 per month Santa Barbara digs?

Was it illegal? Or is it simply that so many loathe Edwards for being a prick while his wife was dying that many are ready to skip and prance all over his career grave? In fact, wasn't he some kind of jerk before cheating on his wife? Is it all Reille's fault because she thought John Edwards was "hot"? No. No. It's his other lover that did him in and began the entire fiasco. His mirror.

We shall see what the jury's perception is. Did Edwards think he was breaking the law by using certain monies from specific peoples solely for personal concerns that could effect his campaign, and thus, be a legit campaign expense? Did he honestly think all was cool? And, technically, is/was it?

At the bottom of all of this mess is that Edwards showed himself to be a first-class liar, as witness all of his TV interviews when he first denied having an affair all the way up to denying paternity of Reille Hunter's baby.

And that's why I'm disappointed that despite the smart legal move to keep the stars off the stand, no drama will happen in the courtroom. No Perry Mason moments.

I mean, the personal side of the story is wrapping-up like a tiny wimpy whimper.

Just like Edwards' must feel every time he looks in the mirror.
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  1. He's a slimeball. He knew he was breaking campaign finance laws which is why he was dodging around what was happening to the money.

    I want him to pay for his stupidity more for his bald face lying to the country, his wife and children.

    Guilty as charged!

  2. What I really want to know is how he continues to look relaxed and young in the midst of everything. Flirting with an alternate juror? Typical Edwards and his pearly whites.
