Wednesday, August 24, 2011

No Rest For the Bleary

Wouldn’t you know it? In the middle of a presidential vacation and an already been-on-vacation-Congress for weeks, Libya is on the brink of declaring victory over Muammar Gaddafi’s 42 year rule. And Washington DC, next door to Virginia, the epicenter of yesterday’s surprising 5.8 earthquake, was having a shake-out of its own, along with most of the eastern seaboard and a few inland states such as Ohio and Michigan.

Could things here in the West get any newsier? Yes, in fact, it can – and does. Hurricane Irene is on the huffy edge of seeking to destroy another section of the southern seaboard when she twirls her furious, windy way northward from Florida and possibly into Georgia and North Carolina on up to Boston and beyond if she feels particularly zesty.

So, as happens in August for most presidents on an attempt at a vacation, world developments combined with domestic havoc of one sort or another waves from behind the vacation screen door, making it known that one has to get off the ranch or golf course and make a few televised statements in casual-dressy attire to make sure America knows their leader isn’t slacking on his job even while taking a much-needed mental and physical break from the centre of insanity known as The Beltway Culture.

I’m sure the recalcitrant GOPer’s are feeling vindicated over their loudly expressed displeasure with Barack Obama and family to take the traditional August holiday through Labor Day with such desperate conditions surrounding the U.S. and world economy, as if that stopped George W and Ronald Reagan who by this point in their presidency’s had taken double the amount of vacation days for even longer periods than either Bill Clinton or Barack Obama combined have made to date at this point in their time in office.

But never mind that. Things are different now. A Democrat is in office. A black one, on top of it all! He is the most corrupt president EVAH and although there is almost nothing to prove what his corruption actually is, you better believe he is evil and hates America. That’s why he wants to save programs that help the poor. He wants to tax people who don’t pay taxes and whose small percentage in the scheme of things would quickly wipe out the national debt. Wow, he really must hate America so let’s make sure not to like anything he does and twist each success into another point of contention – or abject silence, such as what greeted Obama by most of the Republican/Tea Party base when he had the guts to drop Navy Seals into bin Laden’s compound – and unrelentingly finding a way to assist the demise of another dictator in the Middle East as is happening in Libya with “no American boots on the ground.” 

Right. No vacation for you, Mr. President because people are out of work and those who do work have little, if any, vacation time. And anyway, a burned-out president is better for a nation than a healthy, relaxed human being who is always on the job even when taking a shower, right?

Get ready to duck, Mr. Prez, Hurricane Irene might take a swing at Martha’s Vineyard. Just as Maxine Water’s smacked you down a few days ago on black issues ignored by your administration.

Look out for the force of women on a mission. They’ll take you to more than the woodshed every time.


  1. I do not disagree with EVERYTHING Obama does, only about 98%. In all fairness, as a staunch conservative I will give him a B- in the handling of the Lybya deal. But here's where it really gets to me. His propensity to constantly appoint bad advisers. Such as self proclaimed socialists, communists, and tax evaders. But his latest one really takes the cake.
    It's true that G.E. mad BILLIONS of dollars in profits last year. And they didn't pay one red cent in taxes. Maybe that's because up until a few months ago, they owned MSNBC, Obama's own personal propaganda wing.
    Now, Obama appoints their CEO, Jeffery Immel (SP?) to chair the President's Counsel on Jobs
    and Competiveness.
    What does Immel do? Just announced that G.E.
    has entered into a joint venture with CHINA to
    build jet liners. There goes our jobs. This
    project will compete directly with Boeing and other American companies. So, for all of the American workers who could have filled these jobs, it's kind of like standing in a line for a kick in the nuts, waiting for Mr. Immel to do anything about jobs in this country.
    Hey...I've got an idea!! Why don't he send MSNBC to China? Works for me. John

  2. You know I like MSNBC - but not as much anymore. Obama has a tendency to make the strangest appointments. But, compared to Fox, my friend, there is still no other place like it for pure GOP propaganda.

  3. Obviously my friend, you don't watch it too much.
    It IS fair and balanced. They ALWAYS have the other side on to express and debate their views.
    During the last election, which Obama referred to as a "shellacking," Fox news had SEVEN democrats
    giving their point of view and providing up to the minute coverage. That my lady is fair and balanced. MSNBC on the other hand, had ONE Republican, and all they did, was criticize, insult, and tried to make a fool out of. And that's a fact. John

  4. Harumph! (indeed) dear Shauna.
    When a Democrat appears on Fox News, when asked a question, they are notorious for putting their own spin on it, quoting misleading sources, or flat out lying. That's when they get interrupted or challenged by the likes of Bill O'Reily or Shaun Hannity. They won't let them get away with it.
    Now.....The lone Republican whom MSNBC allowed on air, so they could badger and attempt to humiliate, was Michelle Bachman. When she gave Chris Mathews a taste of the Dems own medicine, by sticking to the talking points concerning the outcome of the election, he got snarky, and condescending, asking her if she had been hypnotized before coming on the air. She slammed him and put him in his place by replying, "I'll bet that feeling running up and down your leg isn't quite as tingly anymore."
    Back to my original point yesterday, let's hear it for Ohio Democrat Dennis Kocinich. (SP?) He has called for the resignation of Jobs and Competitiveness Czar Jeffry Immelt (GE CEO) for his role in exporting jobs and technology to China. Some of that technology was developed by NASA, and once it's been exported to China, they will take it and use it in their military weaponry.
    Dennis stating that Immelt has a true conflict of interest, and isn't fit to fill the position. And I'll bet you a dollar to a donuts, you won't hear that on MSNBC. John
