Saturday, August 13, 2011

In God's Name?

Yee Haw! Another Texan wants to be President of the United States of America. But this time, the Texan who just threw his 10 Gallon Hat into the GOP ring has the potential to make George W look like a simple Texan-wannabe more than he already is.

Texas Governor Rick Perry (R) made good on his promise to follow-through on his announcement today that he wants to save the country with God's help. As a friend wrote on FB today (in so many words), God help US if he does win the presidency.

What makes Perry such a formidable contender? For one, he has the ability to rake in a considerable amount of campaign money, and he has the hardened win-at-any-cost energy blazing through his well-oiled saddles. He looks presidential, too. You know, that "look" most in America now demand from their primary leader? The height, physical stature that exudes some kind of magical leadership respect, if for nothing else than wearing dark, serious and well-defined-in-cut suits coupled with patriotic coloured ties that subliminally beam the message of an "I mean business, take me seriously" image and all that swagger jazz.

Thus, into the fray he rides. Look out, all ye unfaithful!

Between now and the RNC National Convention in early 2012, the clusterflock of the current darlings of Tea Party drinkers and Old School GOPer's should provide an entertaining, although insane, mixture of a Tent Revival and a corporate boardroom-based Power Point presentation on how to overthrow the Obama administration. 

Get the popcorn ready.

To provide a bit of fun from the political scene, today will be another music video marathon...with another visual treat of art from the street.


  1. Thats about right!!! Obama needs to get it together...or Perry is going to win. Big problem here-


  2. Based on a few of your recent blogs, you're starting to sound like a full blown athiest.
    I would much rather have a president in the
    White House who believed in the God that I
    believe in, than one who said, "The most
    beautiful sound I've ever heard in my life
    is the Muslim call to prayer." Or who has
    Muslims at the White House, honoring the
    first day of Ramadan. I'm sure there's
    more than one person out there who agrees
    with me, that if you look back....this
    country started turning to shit shortly
    after we took prayer out of schools. Now
    it's damn near a sin for a Christian to
    voice his own beliefs, for fear of offending
    persons of a religion who have vowed to "Kill
    the infidels" (as required by their Koran)
    who have nothing on their minds but killing
    us. As for my self, I shall worship in the
    house of the Lord. John

  3. Whoa there John - I just now read this. Apologies for missing the comment way earlier. No, not an atheist, just not thrilled when politico's use religion to excuse their horrendous anti compassionate attitudes, or, for that matter, to oppress minorities and others not living a cushy life.

    As we know by now, Perry can't hold up under scrutiny, and actually has some compassion running through his veins.
