Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Weekly Fluff

OMG! OMG! Justin Baby-Eater and Selena No-Go-With-Real-Menz have ended their "relationship" of two years! What happened? Did Justin begin following in the break-steps of his idols who "Rap" by picking-out girls from the concert audiences to join him for a little backstage action? OR, did Selena decide it was time to tear up their contract and move on to a Real Guy instead of a Carbon Copy of a young Lesbian? Only the Tabloids Know For Sure cuz' they are always right about everything they report.

And man-oh-man, did retired General Petraeus, new CIA Chief, end up betraying us and his wife by dallying in the Pastime Of Menz Of Power by having an affair! Those uniforms soldiers and high-ranking officials wear cause some women to swoon until they have flattered their prey into bedtime play. And all this time we thought the General only had Eyes For Spies In the Skies. However, the woman with whom Petraeus found so pleasing has a military background, which means by now seeing a man in uniform wouldn't have been such a lure. Oh well. Just another day in Scandal-Vice.

BTW, has anyone seen or heard from Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt lately? (Not counting his tour de farce of a Chanel ad.) How do they just disappear like this? No recent photo-ops? No blaring headlines? Oh, wait! Yes, someone sent a little fax out that Brad is "upset" that Angelina likes to "secretly" watch her ex, Jonny Lee Miller's new TV program, Elementary, behind Brad's back after supposedly telling him that she found the show to be quite awful. Wow! Let's shiver in our Uggs for the future of their faux union Epic Romance! There be trouble in that household (wherever it may be at the moment). Look out! More breakup rumours will and do abound. Yawn.

According to everyone's favourite "to diss on" celebrity, KIRSTIE Alley, not only is John Travolta ("love of her life") not at all gay, but she once hit on Patrick Swayze (another "love of her life") and he turned her down. Not to let a day go by of late, KIRSTIE also claims she was a victim of Domestic Abuse somewhere along her marriage/relationship days. I saw the article yesterday, but today a Google search brings-up nothing. So take that comment of mine with a grain of CO$-Deletion-Salts. All I want to know is why she is refusing to stop talking about her life with increasing TMI? Oh, right. She's selling her Memoir. But, did losing on DWTS again send her into a Sugar Rush? I want to like KIRSTIE. Really I do. So, if you're out there, my dear, Stop The Talking and start walking off those unnecessary pounds. No one likes to watch a once-pretty person with a once-nice body continue to pray to the doughnuts at every bakery in town.

BREAKING NEWS! Katie Holmes claims that she's still a good ole' "Midwestern" girl and has even had "Box Wine" and liked it. Well, if that's true, remaining in Tommy's Controlling Box should have been easy to handle, but I gather the wine became bitter and flat. Hmmm. I once liked Mustang Malt Liqour when I was growing-up "back there" and now the thought of it makes me sick. Perhaps it has something to with the fact that I once drank too much of it at a party where I lost my virginity to a guy I never saw again who wore a cool red and blue Tennis Sweater and was a True Preppie. I don't recall anything else other than awkward rolling around in a nearby cabin bed. Such is how my "First Time" went. TMI? Second yawn.

Finally, what would a roundup of Celebrity/Public Persons' Scandals And Gossip be without another Lindsay Low-Hand crisis: If you haven't been inundated with the Latest Newz on that front, just know the LAPD has her in their cross-hairs for "lying" to them when she said she wasn't driving last summer when her car rear-ended a truck and she not-so-deftly changed places with her assistant to make it seem as if he had been driving. Also on the docket-of-sorts is another examination of her Sticky Fingers with regard to the Jewelry Heist she almost pulled-off at a shop last year and received the usual slap on her increasingly bloated wrist. The problem here is that Lindsay feels "victimized" (reportedly) by the LAPD. Hah! Oh darling, the only "victims" in your sphere are the ones who take the fall for you.

Am I missing anything else of importance? Probably. But I want to have another cup of tea and take a shower after writing all of this balderdash.

Have a fun/restful whatever…and, as always, thanks for stopping-by.

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