Monday, November 5, 2012

Breathe Deep and Think of America

Down to wire go the USA as voters do their best to refuse to be turned away from long lines in states where Early Voting has been FORCED on GOP Gubner's who don't play fair. As usual, Florida leads the mess with numerous conflicting messages on voting hours, etc. Ohio is next, of course. More long lines. Last-minute Get Out The Vote brew-hah-hah abounds in both parties. If anyone believes we'll know the accurate outcome of tomorrow's election by tomorrow evening, then you are an eternal optimist. I fully expect recounts and more conflicting numbers from The Pollsters. If I am wrong, then…okay. Nevertheless, as written in previous posts, I don't trust Ohio not to play dirty politics, and I certainly don't trust Florida for the same reason.

And while American's freak-out during the next 24 hours over the election, poor New Jersey has been hit with another slap by Mother Nature with a small earthquake (2.2). Yes, it could have worse; however, predictions abound that yet another storm is on its way to that area where people are still without power and in the midst of a daunting post-Sandy cleanup which may be for naught if the storm has its way. I wonder which Religious Leader will blame New Jersey's recent ills on gays and other Hell-From-God floggings. Last time it was a Rabbi. Gay Marriage is to blame for Sandy, per his brilliant pronouncement. I gather he wants to join in Pat Robertson's Inane Blame Games.

Which brings us to Paul Lyin' Ryan's hysterical rants while campaigning yesterday. He said THISwhat a bunch of BS – AGAIN! The way in which Ryan and cronies have "sold" their "Obama hates America" and has "declared war on religion" agenda is beyond the pale of truth. Please tell me – anyone – what Obama has done to indicate anything these Nut Jobs are bellowing from their self-made Preacher Podiums.

Now I will take a deep breath; hope that the 2012 election won't be a Déjà Vu of what happened in 2000 when Al Gore won the presidency only to watch The Supreme Court shoot down the public's choice, and wander off to deal with another household appliance issue – as in, The Washing Machine is making suspicious noises.

Until tomorrow, have a decent/wonderful/lovely day/evening – whatever.

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