Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sealed With A Diss?

OMG! One of the few Hollywood couples whose marriage the most Jaded of the Jades expected to live on for almost ever is, sadly, over. At least that's what TMZ is reporting (See This). And we know Harvey Levin doesn't flit around when it involves serious Intel from his many direct sources.

A day away from Saturday's "Breaking Story" and no new newz has erupted to shine that glaring spotlight on "WHY?" After reeling from the horrendously unexpected, utterly mind-numbing parting of Russell Brand and Katy Perry, how can anyone endure the current Show-Biz Fizzle of a yet another relationship and/or marriage falling from the starry skies?  My primary excuse for not writing about the thunderous news yesterday is hidden within the second word of this sentence.

Obviously, my writing attention was focused elsewhere. Sorta. If one can consider listening to Chuck Todd (of MSNBC and NBC) ramble on most of yesterday afternoon, looking increasingly smug as I suspect he thinks (as does NBC) that he is the new Tim Russert (NO FRIGGIN' WAY); a worthy commentator for political machinations. (Perhaps a year ago. Now? Not on board with Todd...)

As expected, Newt whomped on Mitt.

What a shocker! Who could ever imagine a "Morals Guy" spouting BS rhetoric in the fringe Bible Belt (although closer to the belt than a Bible, as it were) would win?

Now, back to substance:  Seal and Heidi Klum, married since 2005, are done. Kaput. Finished. Heidi is to file for divorce at some point next week, per the report.

As with TMZ's accurate and credibility-building jump on all other news sources with the first official confirmation of the death of Michael Jackson, former side-eyed readers and TMZ TV watchers will give Levin his due when it goes beyond the transparent Kar-Kash-Ins "leaks" – thus, every entertainment-based website or blog, along with general news sites, have reported the seemingly done deal.

Surprised indeed were many fans and supposed "friends" of the couple who have avoided less public drama in their personal lives than most in their lair of fame.  That's why the attention of a mere mention of divorce between them has been so immediate.

Let's view a few links for the reports. Why not? Of any recent Hollywood divorce/separation, this one reigns supreme in the "Who Would Have Thunk It?" category:

Huff-Puff Is On The Spot

Gawker's Sentiments Are Def Shared

Yes! They Were A Hoot!

Telegraphing Rumours 

Give It Some Heart


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