Saturday, January 21, 2012

Recipe for Distress

If I'm not mistaken, something's going on down in South Carolina today. Another one of those "Primary" things the GOP has been duking-out for the past few weeks. The odd aspect to this latest Popularity Contest is that the once front-runner, Mitt Romney, may not win. Instead, the Bellower, Newt Gingrich, is giving Mr. Perfect a new wrinkle in his button-down shirt.

It appears that the anti-Romney forces now view Newt as their man! Particularly since he snarled at "Juan" the other night/day in that oh-so-perfect condescending tone with a verbal wink that "Juan" is not like "us."

That sort of racial innuendo has brought mucho dinero's to Gingrich's once-waning campaign. All of a sudden, we have yet another "will he or won't he" guess-fest on whether or not Mitt will receive the GOP nomination. Poor guy. First he thought he had won the Iowa Caucus, only to learn yesterday (officially) that Rick Santorum had beat him in the corn field where dreams are made of. Or dashed. Plucked right out of the husk.

I have an idea which could solve the GOP's choice dilemma: Place Mitt and Newt into a blender, mix with hubris, add waffles with butter and syrup, toss in some Bling, a dash of false promises, pious pandering, and – voila! – you have Mute!

Just the way most of us would like it.

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