Monday, September 30, 2013

A Sorta-Sonnet for Monday

A Government shutdown
is on the way
to be blocked
by the Senate's Nay.

This childish game has been a sham
Just like Ted Cruz's Eggs & Ham.

And I don't like this guy named Cruz
Who lines-up with his party's ruse
of governing while playing chess
with the health of elders and the rest…

A bloody stain has been cast
by those in power who are last
to be hurt by what they do
when all they say is a Big Eff You! 

Image via: Anyone Who Can Smell BS


  1. Shauna, write the poetry more often. I like your style.



  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Thanks, P - Good to see you again. You got through the CAPTCHA, I see. They should be called "CATCH-YA" - eh?
