Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Where the 'Elite' Meet In the Muddle

eliteélite [ɪˈliːt eɪ-]
1. (sometimes functioning as plural) the most powerful, rich, gifted, or educated members of a group, community, etc.

of, relating to, or suitable for an elite; exclusive
[from French, from Old French eslit chosen, from eslire to choose, from Latin ēligere to elect]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

ThesaurusLegend:  Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
Noun1.elite - a group or class of persons enjoying superior intellectual or social or economic status
upper classupper crust - the class occupying the highest position in the social hierarchy
electchosen - an exclusive group of people; "one of the elect who have power inside the government"
creampick - the best people or things in a group; "the cream of England's young men were killed in the Great War"
clerisyintelligentsia - an educated and intellectual elite
beau mondebon tonhigh societysmart setsociety - the fashionable elite
few - a small elite group; "it was designed for the discriminating few"
aristocracynobility - a privileged class holding hereditary titles
technocrat - an expert who is a member of a highly skilled elite group

Adj.1.elite - selected as the best; "an elect circle of artists"; "elite colleges"
selected - chosen in preference to another
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2011 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

What's with all of the above, you may ask? With regard to the overkill of definitions on "elite" I'm showing all of us precisely what the word means so that the next time we hear Newt Gingrich and other GOPer's pound on how there is an "Liberal elite" running the country, that most of the media are of the "elite," we can all sit back and laugh at the continuing hypocrisy of uber wealthy white men who live in expensive homes, make more money in one day than most Americans make in a year, run up credit lines at posh shops such as Tiffany and take cushy cruises, among other expensive outings and activities/behaviours.
If people like Newt want to bandy-around the word "elite" as an indication of intellectuals rather than his own lifestyle, then I will gladly defer to his gratuitous use of the word because from what most of us have been witnessing over the months, the GOP is sorely lacking in brain-power, thus, are not intellectually "elite" but behave more like effete supercilious assholes toward each other as well as those who are not "like them."
I mean, puleeze! How in the world can a wealthy person such as Gingrich suggest that children should take over janitor duties and not come across as an out-of-touch, out-of-sensitivity-chip elitist? Isn't the cliche'd view of "elite" to set apart those who work with their brains and not with their calloused hands? And when was the last time anyone saw Mitt or Newt, for example, digging around in their fertilizer-fed rose gardens? Or hammering a nail or two in wood rather than in the heads of their rivals? 
But such logic doesn't cross the minds of those who are manipulating their "base" with the class warfare innuendos and outright lies when they know the word will resonate all the way to the voting booths despite their hapless followers' inability (or refusal) to see that by voting for a quasi-Washington "Influence Peddler" (aka "Lobbyist") they are allowing the most Insider of Insiders to run amok once again through the Halls of Power for their (not our) own advantage?
And that's just Newt. What about Mitt, who now appears to be way too elite for his effete political party? Or, too "moderate" which is another way of twisting the word to list around in the shifting winds of the GOP's weekly crowning of their Second Coming?
Oh you silly, silly hypocrites! Isn't George Will one of the "Media Elite"? He's been writing for years from the tony perch of numerous magazines and prestigious newspapers. Is it not "elite" to have a successful TV show where a mouthpiece such as Bill Oh-Really spouts his well-spoken points of Conservatism while making an enormous amount of money from Fox News? Why isn't Rupert Murdoch, Fox's Big Daddy, considered part of the "Media Elite"?
Because he isn't a Democrat, that's why. Nor is George, nor is Bill. 
And the shrill shilling of the buzz word "elite" never, ever can pertain to a media mogul whose primary purpose in business is to keep the cash flowing via the false accusations toward members of a political party that would rather ensure the health and general welfare of those without power and wealth than shove them off to live under bridges and in tents on land now owned by the federal government with money many of the homeless once paid for from out of their ripped pockets when they had the opportunity to make a few dollars before some "elite" group of suits sat in a warm and cozy conference room one day and decided to foreclose on their homes.
Now, that kind of behaviour is what I deem to be "elite." How about going after them?
I almost rest my case.
Above section courtesy of 


  1. Bravo once again! You nailed it!

  2. Many thanks, Anon # 567 and counting!

  3. Whoa.... I didn't sign in to thank you. My bad. ^^^^
