Friday, January 6, 2012

Lotsa 'But's, However's and I's'

I'm feeling more than a bit uncomfortable this morning. My self-imposed recluse-like life has just jumped the shark even further this year, and, as you are well aware, we are less than a full week into 2012.

The "Six degrees of separation" to anyone is getting closer to home than ever. First, when the "Six degrees Of Kevin Bacon" joke started, I had a 0. Years ago he was looking for a home to rent in LA and, for some odd reason, his real estate agent brought him to where I was living. I opened the door and there he was! I led him around the home I knew he would never rent for a variety of reasons, finding him to be extremely sweet and low-key. My only surprise were his eyes. Quite unusual. Almost cat-like.

Having been in various forms of the "official" entertainment biz from the age of 19, I've met, interviewed, hung-out with, worked with, dated, relation-shipped with, and so on, with many a celebrity. At one time I was so full of myself that I actually ignored a few music and Film and TV icons while in social situations because I felt it was "not my thing" to acknowledge celebrities unless we were properly introduced. Even then, I sometimes acted like a twat if I had to "babysit" a celeb at an event sponsored by my current employer-of-the-moment.

I've reflected on those times with sincere chagrin. Eventually I forgave myself for my attitude, as, in the beginning, I was very young while playing the Diva. I had also donned a bitchy, flashy persona that I felt was necessary to maintain in public.

But that sort of self-importance can backfire. How silly it was of me to allow an overly-inflated ego to ignore an opportunity to meet John Lennon when he was chatting with my then-Program Director in the hallway of a radio station in the early 70's. I had just finished exchanging a few words with Yoko in the bathroom, so I gather I thought I had exerted myself enough. The joke in the end was, of course, on me. I loved John Lennon - and always will. But to go up to him as a fan? No way!

The point of this post is that as time goes on, well-known peoples of a certain status have been creeping into the lives of close friends in a way that is different than it has been in my past. I am learning details about them that cause me to place a big finger on the Pause Button of my gossipy snark. (NOT Low-Hand or the Kar-Kash-Ins, though.)

To be fair, I have never written negative (or even positive) things about certain celebs due to already-in-place personal connections. In truth, I won't ever write about someone I know or is close to someone I know. Doing so - in my "book" - would Just. Be. Wrong. 

I don't and won't provide unnecessary fodder about people whose lives should be private if that's the way they like it. However, now that the wagons are beginning to circle my camp, I have an ethical issue to contemplate: How can I continue to participate in bashing those whom I have heckled in the past when I learn different details that belie the public image?

I can't be "bought" as many suspect entertainment/gossip writers are, so as to place a hefty lid on any dishy dirt which may fall upon an editor's desk. I'm not a Gossip Writer despite the occasional smack-down of someone(s) of fame and misfortune. However, as a Blogger, I do have a responsibility for what I write. If I provide MY opinion on someone's latest antics, then so be it.

But, if I'm merely copying the rumours, then I may need to rethink what has happened to me throughout my life: Rumours that were absolutely unfounded and had no truth whatsoever. Example: While in radio, it was rumoured that I was dating Graham Nash of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. Not a terrible thing, but I had never met him (or he me, for that matter, as it were/was/always to be).

How did that rumour begin? I'll never know. In high school I gave a friend a few aspirins for a headache and was immediately tagged as a "Drug Dealer" which led to a private investigation - which led NOWHERE! And so the rumour mill grows.

Now, today, I sit with my conscience. What does it it tell me? Only provide links to gossip sites. And just hint at the truth when it won't hurt anyone.

When the subject matter involves politics, I have no shame at all in pointing a prickly finger of irate when it grates on my nerves and harms those of ill fate.

Now, about the latest Goop-fest..... Need A Cleanse?