Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Emperor Has No Ho's

I haven't been writing about American politics very much of late because, well, with good ole' Newt slinging his hypocrisy around the GOP stage, and the constant stream of alleged sexual misconduct, and now a long-term affair, popping out of every corner of Herman Cain's world (which will likely cause him to drop out of the race - maybe even today?), the stories become redundant and almost a waste of time.

The way the GOP Prez hopefuls' polls continue to change every month regarding who is the latest front runner, I barely know who will be standing at the top of this desperate political heap by the end of the year. (But it won't be anyone with women stuffed in closets - and that's one thing Newt knows how to do - marry them or else!)

It's clear: The GOP doesn't want Mitt Romney as their guy, and Newt Gingrich is bringing in the Bible Belt (something Romney can't do), so, at least for now, Newt's looking better than most. But I'll wait a few weeks more before saying that Romney is toast.

Meanwhile, a rather astute article on who is truly a Republican in the race and who is actually a Liberal at heart is a nice, quick read for your edification - should you choose to read it: Here It Is

Aside from all of that, things are always a bit quiet over the holidays in the political arena beyond the usual photo op's at "special" places in key states. We are now on the verge of headlines regarding how the Obama's will spend the coming holidays...what will be served; who will be invited to the Prez's private Rose Bowl viewing party, etc.

One thing we won't be hearing about (if he can keep a lid on it) is where and what Mr. "Tiffany" Gingrich and his terribly controlling. pampered wife, will be doing/going. Now that he is the front runner, taking a tony cruise rather than campaigning as he did at the start of it all, just won't work. He has to get out among the unwashed masses and force his wife to shake those unclean hands.

She'll do it. I'm guessing that she has a very nice credit line at the high-end establishments and will surely use them all to get through the Season of the Pol-i-tics.

And remember this: He Owed How Much?

Oh, I know I sound bitchy. But listen. I love Tiffany's. I buy things there. People buy things for me there. Great. Fine. But I'm not out on the circuit threatening to make children work for their living while firing the parents...all something Mr. Gingrich vows to do if he becomes President.

God help us all.