Thursday, November 3, 2011

Who Is "Sharia" - What's This "Law" ?

Michelle Bachmann (R - MN) has a jones over "Sharia Law" to such an extent that she brings up the subject at every possible opportunity. I can only guess that she does so to strike fear and loathing into the confused hearts of her supporters. Here is her latest charge: Out, Damn Sharia Law!

What exactly IS this "Sharia Law" about which Bachmann and others are in such a froth? I've had a sketchy sense of it, and so decided to take a closer view into what it means. For simplicity and to avoid paraphrasing another person's writing, the following is the best explanation I've stumbled upon thus far: What Is This Thing?

Hmmm. I don't quite understand Michelle Bachmann's desperate flogging of Sharia Law when many of the elements are in accordance with her own beliefs. For example: Homosexuality is Bad, Bad, Bad! (Just ask her bubbly "Pray Away The Gay" Hubby.)

An overview of the law is helpful. From comes the following partial definition:

Within Sharia law, there are a group of "Haram" offenses which carry severe punishments. These include pre-marital sexual intercourse, sex by divorced persons, post-marital sex, adultery, false accusation of unlawful intercourse, drinking alcohol, theft, and highway robbery. Haram sexual offenses can carry a sentence of stoning to death or severe flogging. An eyewitness account of Soraya M, a woman executed by stoning, can be read on an anti-Iranian web site. Caution: do not read this if you have a weak stomach; it is quite graphic. 

Sharia law  has been adopted in various forms by many countries, ranging from a strict interpretation in Saudi Arabia and northern states of Nigeria, to a relatively liberal interpretation in much of Malaysia. 

Sharia law is intended to be only applicable to Muslims. Christians and other non-Muslims are supposed to be exempt from the provisions of the law; this is a provision that is not universally followed..

So, if Sharia Law applies only to Muslims, why are Bachmann and cronies trying to fan a flame that has no real relevance within the U.S. beyond a few seemingly appropriate instances in which the law was used within Muslim communities?

I smell more race baiting in the focus on a law that has very little chance of becoming the Law of the Land in the U.S. at any point in the near or even distant future. Isn't highlighting the issue just another way the extreme faction of the GOP is creating another faux issue to frighten and anger those who don't know the facts beyond the "Allah" and "Mohammad" triggers?

I think so. In truth, I think almost everything most of the extreme mouthpieces of the "Right" intend to do is keep the people pissed-off at Muslims, thus fomenting further intolerance for those who have different religious and often political, ideological beliefs. There is nothing like using the most divisive issues mingled with fear to maintain an ignorant and trigger-happy following who will dash to the voting booths next year to pull those levers against anyone who may have a moderate-to-balanced perception of Muslims - most of whom never had a thing to do with 9/11 or terrorism in the name of anyone or anything.

The way in which the Michelle Bachmann's, et al, pluck the most absurd theories from out of the overheated global communication atmosphere and make a story out of absolutely nothing is one of the many reasons why I abhor these so-called "Patriots" who are doing nothing other than polarizing our country beyond its already seriously polarized state of cultural and political affairs.

Democrats have used fear tactics as well. No party is free from manipulation of the public. However, from where I sit, the tables still tilt to the GOP doling out lie after lie after lie every single day with only a very few pundits and influential TV personalities calling the liars out for their blatant misinformation, deflection-driven agenda to take the country "back" to 1950 when white men ruled everything in the U.S. and their women wiped their repressed tears on their aprons, keeping a stiff upper lip when they knew in their guts that their freedom was more of the Gilded Cage kind mingled with the brainwashed glazed-eyed Stepford Wife obedience to their husband's whims.

Well. I have certainly rambled into slightly different territory in the initial point to understand and explain "Sharia Law" that has been bandied about of late. I have to say that I still don't know why Michelle Bachmann is so afraid of this law becoming entrenched in America. I mean, she seems to be in accord with many of the restrictions involved. Maybe she just doesn't like the idea of having to wear a veil out in public. If she did, who would listen to her? It's a tad difficult to understand what is being said when a cloth is covering one's mouth, as well as the fact that women don't have a voice in public under Islamic practices.

After all, without her ability to have a controversial platform on which to lead, it might be hard for her husband to stay grounded in his light-in-the-loafers mannerisms. She seems to hold most of the testosterone in that family. Marcus might forget his vows and float away to West Hollywood or the West Village to line-dance his life away...while praying, of course. Praying to Stay In The Gay. 

(But that's just my opinion, ya' know.)

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