Friday, October 14, 2011

How Long This Be Goin' On?

Oh Gawd! Just as my body-intuition was telling me, the difficulty in standing on mine own two feet is validated at last! I have a fractured hip. Not a small hairline fracture, either. A "nice, messy one" said my doc to me recently - as of a few hours ago.

No wonder this has been such a strange odyssey.

I's be non-fabricated in serious sheet-pain!

That's what I've been trying to convey for over a month

But, let's not toss accusations at my doc's. So much stuff has been going on since three days prior to Labor Day (when I ceased the ability to walk without crutches) with symptoms ranging from text book "debilitating pain" to nothingness/numbness (almost) that I have to attest to the process of alleviating one after another until what is still unwell stands out - at last!

Oh Lawd How Long This Be Goin' on! I cease to make sense to myself!

At least things have changed enough that I can actually sit down in my writing chair and make a few words into a sentence or two.

And that, I must say, is vast improvement. Slow and steady in this case I hope will rin/rim/win the race.

To be continued.....


  1. Yikes! Take care of yourself.


  2. Take good care of you. Maybe when you recover, some yoga on a regular basis would help your body heal and strengthen. Good to hear you have the space to write! Get well soon. Go easy on you!


  3. Thanks Anon/P & J - Am def taking care of myself. More info to come in new post.

    J - Hope you are okay as well. This health focus of late in both our lives must be a trend of some sort. I've been ill one way or another since we first "met."

    Take care, everyone.
