Thursday, October 6, 2011

And So It Continues

Hello there. It's another one of those lovely days in the medical hood.

Will be back soon.


  1. This too shall pass? We hope so, darlin'.

    Jinny & Mac

  2. Shauna, you're one crazy bitch! LOL! Feel better. Maintain the crazy while you recuperate from what's ailing that nerve. Been there, done that, it isn't pretty. How many doctors do you see for it because it is going on for a long time. What's the deal on posting comments? I have a Google account -can't use it for comments.

    Peter G.

  3. Peter, Jinny, Mac - Much appreciated. Will be blogging about the doctor situation as well as the cost thus far as another example of why healthcare for all is so important.

    Thank you all for taking the time to comment despite the odd glitch which Blogger has yet to address concerning the inability for some to post and others not. Were it not for a vast array of additional hassles to change to a new format, transferring the blog, I would happily get out of this obviously somewhere-corrupted file situation. BUT...not quite prepared for what all of that will entail at the moment.

