Sunday, July 21, 2013

Who Deserves a Flog Today?

The Flogging Whip is running around with its lashes all in a dither over the increased examples of Bigotry polluting our nation. It's not bigotry just for Blacks, but for Americans without pure White Skin…which, after reading hateful Tweets, I find to be a "Sin" of the highest rank of the Lowest Skanks around. 

Can you believe that Marc Anthony, a USA Citizen, was deemed "Unfit" by Basic Racists to sing the National Anthem at a recent event simply because he hails from Hispanic Roots? Please check THIS out for details.

Yes, it's not a Brand New Story; however, if you have been awake rather than Sleep-Walking, you have noticed how the Rabid Anti-Anyone NOT WHITE Crusaders have taken to Social Media to slap the Little Bubble many of us had been living in over what we had thought was an improvement in Race Relations over the past 30-40 years.

It isn't that many of us didn't expect a Race Backlash upon the election of America's first minority president. Such a response was inevitable. What is surprising, though, is how the tensions are escalating with time, rather than receding. If the vitriol was based solely on our economic woes, I would suggest that it is an historical element in all civilizations to turn against whomever The Masses deem to be unworthy when jobs are difficult to find and keep, thus the competition for finding jobs becomes a stone in the shoe of those who resent being overlooked when they see Peoples Of Colour beating them out for a coveted job or promotion. BUT again, I don't believe economics is at the heart of what is truly a Genuine Reflection of seething hatred and fear mingled with White Entitlement.

This morning The Huffington Post provided their readers with the headline, "Still Not Free" with regard to the struggle African-Americans have faced ever since the Civil War technically ended in 1865. Yesterday, hundreds of rallies were held all over the U.S. in the name of Trayvon Martin. On Friday, Barack Obama boldly and bravely spoke HIS truth about what it is like to be a Black Man/Boy in America. Some cheered, while the Usual Suspects not only jeered, but dived even lower than in the past into Baseless Scum when Sean Hannity, Fox News' saner version of Glenn Beck, decided that Obama's past history with experimenting with drugs caused him to relate to a kid wearing the "wrong" clothing and becoming a target for a prejudiced vigilante. Oh, such rational thinking just causes my heart to go thippity-thump – not in a very pleasant way.

So, what is it about Americans who are Primarily White who have lost (if they had ever gained) an understanding of why America was created? I believe it is both simple on the surface and deeply complicated internally. First off, the drumbeat is growing louder that Americans have Serious Amnesia over how we basically invaded another country with Indigenous People already taking care of the land – Native Americans we now call them – and because we WON in our wars with them, have been Entitled to pretend that until the Mayflower docked on the American Shores of New England, no one was living here who were worth anyone's respect because they were Indians and NOT WHITE!

And, what's up with the spawn of Italian Immigrants to feel as if THEY are True Americans? Or the Irish? Or the Germans? Did everyone who nastily tells African-Americans to "go back to Africa" forget who brought them here and for what purpose? And they blame Blacks for staying? And they chastise Hispanics and other Brown People of infringing on American Turf despite the fact that there are almost as many White Illegals hiding-out in The States as "they" claim for others? That Food Stamps and Welfare are used by tons of Whites and not just "minorities"?

Hypocritical and irrational, hateful attitudes and perceptions prevail. Yes, "we" need to discuss the obvious problems in Public Forums to attempt a peaceful resolution. I'm all for it. However, the people who most require a serious Come To Jesus moment about prejudice and calming-down over All Racial and Bigoted Attitudes are the influential leaders of communities such as Pastors/Ministers/Politicians. As long as these so-called "Leaders" continue to fan the hatred, nothing will change. And, with regard to Race in particular, what is the defining emotion of Generalized Bigotry? FEAR.

Fear of "Difference" in Look/Skin Colour/Culture. The clichéd' Fear of the Unknown. Fear will always cause people to behave, think, react, in equally frightening ways.

Perhaps the first step toward any possibility of Understanding and Tolerance toward all "minorities" should begin with education-information classes/workshops on How To Overcome Fear. Adults/Parents need it most, as they are the examples our children follow. Once again, most of the hatred Begins At Home. If not one's own home, then the abode of a friend whose parents turned any semblance of Love Thy Neighbour into a farce.

Quasi-Rant Over

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