Thursday, May 23, 2013

I Still Have a Pulse Unlike Certain Somebodies

Greetings. First off, thanks to those who have been patient with my recent quasi-writing absences. I see by what's popping-up in TDFB's Popular Posts lineup that you have bided your time with many travels into the early days of the blog before the current format was created. There are a few gems back there. Others perhaps not-so-much. Regardless, today I have more time and energy and will go forth with The Writer's Challenge to actually write!

But today (isn't a "but" usually involved?) you may have come to this site expecting a flog from my trusty Flogging Mouth-Based-Whip over another political brew-hah-hah now that certain people in a certain political party refuse to provide Gov't Disaster Relief funds for their own state – Oklahoma – unless the Dem's/Obama play ball over "budget cuts" that THEY want. How not at all quaint to use a disaster as another bargaining chip in the continuing War On Obama and All Things Humane? Have you heard about the latest? If not, check THIS link.

No. Not going to write about all of that. I need to be calm – not become angry or overly stimulated lest my body's tendency to turn simple colds into life-threatening side-effects sends my Chi so out-of-balance that I'll require someone to peel me off the ceiling. You know – that overly-adrenalized feeling? The Buzzed From Caffeine thing? My basic chemistry seems to produce its own version of caffeine, meth and cocaine combined au natural, thus I don't need additional help in that area of my life.

However (grits teeth), it's not easy to ignore the daily hypocrisies of GOPer's even more than usual with the insanity flowing freely from their icy lips and bitter tongues now that a Tornado has wiped-out a town – again. While their constituents attempt to absorb the shock of what is left of their once "normal" lives, which is almost nothing, politicians have bickered over petty comparisons between the Oklahoma Tornado Devastation and New Jersey's Hurricane Sandy like little children fighting over who's allowed to play in the Big Sandbox at the same time. Who should get the money – who needs it more – blah-blah-blah.

Can you believe such an argument is actually happening?

Can you believe that I once again contradicted myself in this post by writing about what I said I would not?

If you answered "No" to the first question, you are, in my eyes, a sane person. If you answered "No" to the latter, I applaud your knowledge of my Confused Inner Twin.

Have a good day/evening/afternoon/whatever. For now, that's all she wrote on this day in the very not-so-very-merry month of May!

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