Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Not-So-Silent Truth - Racism Against Obama

Racism. 'Tis a Major Issue all over the planet, indicating one more time how far we have to go to become Evolved Humans. It's not that a primitive society should be damned for fearing others who don't look like "them" and have unusual-to-the-others different and oftentimes strange religious beliefs, but the USA is not supposed to be a Primitive Country. Yet, Racism Is Alive And Unwell, on display, in The States, brought out of the Suppressed Quietude of the KKK and basic racists all over the country when an African-American walked into the Oval Office in January of 2009.

During the past four years of Barack Obama's unprecedented presidency, most Conservatives I verbally debated with on the subject of racism refused to acknowledge how The Tea Party and many Libertarians hiding under the cloak of "Individualism" and not "Racism" refused to admit that beyond the GOP losing their Ultimate Power which they had enjoyed for the 8 years Georgie Bush was their Prez, it is all about what a "Socialist" Obama is when he is only doing what so many other Prez's before him have attempted with Healthcare and preserving Social Security.

Time and again, several of my Conservative Nemesis' would privately debunk my suggestion that many in their party were "out for Obama" simply because of his colour. Long discourse on how "Race" has nothing to do with why the GOPer's found Obama's administration "the most corrupt" presidency EVAH! Say what? Oh pleeeeezzzzzeeee. Little Whiny Teabaggers know nothing but how to lie and disrupt and obstruct. THEY are the most "corrupt" Congress People EVAH if one is inclined to point fingers.

But my point here is to debunk the "We're not racists…" excuses for why they loathe Obama so much…and the following link will show you just how raw the vitriol against a person of colour can get – especially when their Holy Football Games are interrupted by networks to broadcast Obama's speech at the Sandy Hook Vigil on Sunday evening in Newtown, CT.

You must read this. N*gger This & N*gger That

Well then, what do you think about what you read in the above link? Looks and sounds extremely Racist to me. In addition, the commentators are showing the world how ignorant they are to whine over missing part of a football game while a community grieves the loss of citizens and children. Hey, I get some of the ire up to a point. Was it necessary for ALL networks to cover Obama's speech that night and dump coverage of a national pastime where many were hoping to find escape from the harsh realities of violence in the country? (Beyond the violence in that particular sport.) Couldn't The Games have gone on uninterrupted, allowing other channels without sports to be the "Go-To" source for the Vigil Coverage? Nope. Each network had to jump in for what I can only assume was to show their "relevance" and up their ratings. Honestly, if I wanted to escape via a film or whatever, I too would have been irked. Yet, the way in which these Mean-Spirited Ignorant SOB's (yes, I'm name-calling) reacted, proves the point many of us have been trying to make for the past four years.

Therefore, all ye GOP liars take note: Admit that you are prejudiced. Own it. Don't cloak it. Then, perhaps, we can have a truly Raw And Real discussion in America over why these unflattering perceptions of Minorities exist beyond the obvious: white men in particular can't stand losing their position in the U.S. to people they deem as "inferior" to them. The South Still Doth Rise Up against their former Slaves with a frightening attitude of entitlement as White Americans when, in fact, the much touted Christopher Columbus was not a Pure White Male, and the indigenous population of the territory now known as The United States Of America were of colour.

The hubris with which Anglo's have exhibited in the past 200+ years of our country is disgusting. Who are White Men to feel that they can rule everyone and everything and treat all others as pure "garbage"? Hey, I'm 100% Anglo in my heritage. No one could have more "White Blood" than those of us who hail from previously All Caucasian backgrounds. But, just because the colour of my skin is "White" does not make me feel superior to those of different beliefs and skin colour, nor does this fact provide me with a desire to suppress and/or repress Those Who Are Not White. Why? Because, Humans Are Humans and, despite the platitudes, we ARE all in THIS (whatever any given "this" might be) TOGETHER. We breathe the same air. All of us have the same bodily functions...on and on it goes. In a real Moral Compass of our country, we are still falling extremely short of altruistic, tolerant, compassionate feelings and perceptions. Thus, extremely uneducated In And About Life in general on this swirling planet called "Earth."

If losing a half hour or so on not seeing a freakin' Football Game can bring out such Racist Remarks, then I have to back away and say how sorry I am for those who view the world through such narrow eyes.

Image via: http://www.obamaftw.com


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. wow 'n f-in wow a thousand times over

    truth will out

    f-in' truth here


  3. Thank you Shauna.
