Thursday, December 6, 2012

Life Intrudes #2,467

Hello there. So, where did I go yesterday, leaving all of you with baited breath on what nonsense or seriousness I might tackle only to find one lonely picture of the great Dave Brubeck? Well, to be honest, I had my own case of The Nausea's yesterday (have to keep up with The Royals, you know) coupled with a mystery (still with me) literal pain in the almost ass-bone which made sitting and reclining painful. Between the two, let's just say yesterday was not a day to be writing or dealing with much of anything. But alas, here I am again, begging for your forgiveness for leaving you in whatever lurch you may have felt.

It's been a rough few months in SZ-Land between personal concerns and constant household-privacy interruptions. But wait until next week! I'm really going to be challenged. The ENTIRE ROOF of the home in which I live will be replaced while I attempt to go about my routines and usually difficult-to-maintain sanity under normal circumstances. What fun it will be to hear hammers for 3 days and Boots On The Roof without the usual hangover excuse. But that's next week. Today it's only a handyman who will invade the premises. Yes, there's much ado going on here of late. And, as I am wont to do, I'll share every single hammering with you so that we're all in this together!

Meanwhile, in the Land Of Politics in the U.S., not much is going on during this form of a Lame Duck season for various Congress people as well as several Cabinet Members who will be "moving on" from their positions in a few weeks. The Fiscal Cliff, as I wrote a while ago, is The Issue Of The Moment with everyone weighing-in on what to do. I continue to believe that going over the cliff is not such a bad idea, as it wouldn't last long before those involved in making Grand Decisions agree on something when their constituents begin filling their email in-boxes with scary written screams and threats of one sort or another.

Ann Coulter, the Famewhore Of GOP Famewhores, actually suggested (on Fox News!) that the GOP should allow Obama to raise taxes on the 1%. My God what a GOP Blasphemy! What happened, Ann? Did you finally have sex with someone? Are you too happy to be crazy anymore? Did someone in the 1% piss you off recently? Whatever it is, I will finally do a slow clap for Ann, knowing that sooner than later she'll say something absurdly idiotic and I'll return to the usual eye-rolling and change the channel.

For now, that's all she wrote on this Thursday in December, 2012. Thanks for stopping by!

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