Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Weekly Fluff

Good Sunday to you! TDFB (me, of course), is still bored by most of the Celebrity Newz Out There, thus there will be very little Fluff to puff on today. Nevertheless, there are a few Noteworthy Mentions that we'll dash into:

As you may already know (because the I-Nets are plastered with the pix), our Seemingly Tamed & Happy Guy, Ashton Kutcher and his Continuing SO, Mila Kunis, were hit with the Weird Kiss Cam trend going on at Basketball Games when they were watching The Lakers tromp all over Utah on Friday night. That NSA-Stand-In, Kiss Cam, placed them in its Lens-Ray, and so, rather than playing it out in a Hissy Leave Us Alone glare, the pair happily complied and – wait for it – Kissed In Public! And it's Big News on what must be a very Slow Newz Day. Okay. Well. Gee. Mila was even smiling for a change. Something good must be happening, eh?

Our Favourite Celeb To Hate/Dislike/Ignore, Mizzy Goop, is now telling everyone about her Latest Cleanse which consists of lots of a simple Lemon in water, rather than a Rare To Find and Too Expensive for most of The Peasants, Citrus-y Fruit none of us have ever heard of and will never taste unless we send Citrus Scouts to Shangri-La for a Youthful Fruit Plucking. Sigh. She does add Walnuts in one of the last phases of the Daily Cleanse, though. For that, she receives a Half-Star in my own Healthy Eating Database. (Writing something nice about her has hurt my Typing Fingers, so give me a minute to recover….)

The Palm Springs Film Festival has happened again – and each year More and More Big Stars are making an appearance. That's all I'll write, as it's actually extremely trite in the Overall Awards Scheme Of Things.


New Year's Eve found many of The Populars/UnPopulars behaving. No Justin Beaverland Messes with friends crashing his cars, or the same taking over his home while he's gone to throw loud and Sizzupy Parties. (Should Sizzup be considered Way Too 2013 by this date? I do. But, I wrote it anyway. I'll learn.) Oh, and it appears that he and Selena Gomez are Back Together if one is to believe the Latest Instagram shot of them together that's making the rounds. Poor dear. This time I mean Him. Selena may not be the Best Influence right about now. Sniff-sniff.

More Hollywood Married Men are still having a Case Of The Hidden Babies with their mistresses these days. And we're supposed to believe that The Wives are completely Oblivious? Perhaps with a few who spend more time on Rodeo Drive than breaking into their husband's email accounts and sneaking peaks at the foolishly left-out-in-public-in-the-home Husband's Cell Phone texts.

Very-Very Old Real Gossip you'll only read here: Way before Mister Cruise-Control became a Major Starhhh, but was on His Way Up the Get-Down Ladder, a male gay waiter I know served him and a Young Female Someone at a restaurant. One day my friend and I were chatting about the Gay Rumours which continue to circle Mister Cruise's slightly pointy head like a Toy Mothership Craft, and my friend, who is far from Naïve, said he really didn't think the rumours were true. Not only did The Friend not have info to corroborate The Closet With A Very Locked Door loud whisperings, but, apparently our Star was having a very quiet sexually-charged chat with his dinner companion. With details. And flashing eyes. And a bit of physical contact under the table that was G-Rated, yet quite suggestive. Based on this info, I might reconsider my Gaydar. However, maybe, Cruisey could have been rehearsing for an upcoming audition. Hmm?

Did Other Celebs do or say anything of importance during the week of The New Year and Expensive Vacations? Probably. But, I've had enough Fluff for the day and will now be on my way.

Thanks for stopping by!

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