Friday, June 1, 2012

A Twisted Economic Track

So, how is your weekend thus far? Did you hear about how few (69,000) jobs were created in May? How the Stock Market has plunged from the shock? The 'I told you so's' wagging their slippery tongues in quasi-victory that the recent positive employment numbers were made of clay?

Well, what does anyone expect regarding the employment atmosphere of confusion, delusion and illusion of the entire economic waterfront where unfettered erosion continues as is? Does anyone with a shred of common sense not realize that until the duplicitous politicians upholding the tax cuts for the 1% are stopped, everyone else will cease to create the Supply And Demand needed for a true economic recovery?

It is unbridled bullshit that the 1% are Job Creators. What jobs have they created lately? No one "at the top" beyond a few real patriots and philanthropists are giving anything back to the populace. The proverbial "they" of the "job creators" are, instead, firing people and hoarding their wealth. Innovation in new sources of energy aren't paying off. Where are the infrastructure jobs to bring the U.S. up to snuff, as it were/was/always will be?

Which is why it's imperative for Middle/Lower Class Americans to find a way to insist that our tax laws are changed; that we can't be carrying the financial burdens of a huge country full of serious problems from education to making sure the bridges we drive on will hold our weight and not crumble from neglect - causing deaths. Why does or should the so-called "Middle Class" have to be kicked in the teeth when the wealthiest among us are patted on the back, given money when they fail, and very seldom any legal ramifications?

I know it is written and said in the media every day how the economic balance in this country is growing worse and how we need to do something about it. Some people do. They write their representatives. They speak loud enough and long enough until they are heard. They don't give up. Right now, no matter what is on your plate of life responsibilities, do something somehow that will make a difference in how our government taxes its people because, as much as I'm not an activist and have rarely marched in protest over anything, I'm feeling it in my soul that change has to come, and come soon.

There is no need to turn America into a Third World Country as many suggest is happening, simply because a group of corporations and people with all the gold doubloons in the world are buying and selling the country out in every way. Period. And not to the average person's benefit. We're just sitting around bitching about it. I still think the people in the U.S. need to be reminded that, ultimately, they have the Power. But not if apathy sets in. People pressuring their reps actually makes a dent.

People in the States have to open their eyes and truly grasp that more than ever before in the U.S.'s history has it been so blatant, so clear, how government has been bought. Corruption has gone on in every government at every time period since recorded time, as "they" say. It's not new. But now, in 2012, the pretense of hiding just how much one party has bought an election, or an individual allowing themselves to be bought, is almost gone and the big curtain has been lifted to see just how un-wizardly The Wizard really is.

Obama is a politician and is beholden to his backers. Romney is the same. The difference is that Mr. Not-So-Perfect is in the 1% and is so out of touch with reality that under his laws the divisiveness the GOP always says Obama has caused will be a faint, nostalgic memory of when we didn't live in a State Of Anarchy, which I predict will occur if anyone who can't tell a Birther to shut up and says "Yes" to anything that will get him elected is - elected.

The Democratic Party better get its groove on this year and Obama needs to accentuate the truth more than once or twice. He has always indicated the "recovery" would be tough and would go up and down - and that it would take time. Four years (with no cooperation by the opposing party) is not enough time to fix a "one hell of a mess" that happened over 8 years and growing.

Back to the awful jobs numbers: What did anyone expect today other than the real news? The economy is on a roller coaster and sometimes an unseen curve will momentarily scare the be-hey-suse out of you until it's back on another level. Right now it seems logical that its a very patchy situation - the economy, jobs - the 1% v 99%.

Seems simple to me that we can get off this ride if a few laws were changed and the current group of wing nuts in Washington look back at our country's economic history to see what worked and now what isn't. Are these people in Congress THAT bought? The numbers don't lie. The more you tax the rich, the more balanced and stable the economy becomes. The rich do NOT suddenly become UN-rich; they just have a few million less dollars.

Congress is ruining our country. Really they are. 


  1. Gee, now that Obama is worth over $10,000,000,
    doesn't that put him in the 1% also?? John

  2. Yep. And he has said so as well. So what?
