Friday, September 2, 2011

Labor Pains

The U.S. is poised for another long holiday weekend – Labor Day – where the last gasps of summer are heard from children readying to return to school, others are off to college, and parents may simply be gasping from the lack of jobs.

In honoring “Labor” during a time of zero employment growth, I suggest we change the focus of “Labor” away from jobs and celebrate the unending baby parade I wrote about the other day, with “Labor” as an obvious clue to where most of the future and current action on that word is/and will be felt.

Could the times be more confusing and anxiety-producing for those without a job? Well, yes, we could be in a worse situation with a Great Depression II. In truth, many of us are already having our own Great Depression with Mr. Obama apparently caving to the GOP at every turn, continuing to send the message via his press secretary as well as through his own lips that he hopes the Congress will return from their summer vacation filled with the lofty spirit of compromise.

Pardon me, sir, but on what planet are you living? Already you have been the first president in history to be denied an opportunity to speak to a joint session of Congress on the day and time you requested because The Speaker of the House and his forked-tongue colleagues are still kicking dust in your face.

The continual, escalating lack of respect the GOP/Tea Party have shown toward you and your office is beyond a disgrace, and yet, in some kind of alternate universe you choose to take what some may call “the high road” and refuse to kick back. Many supporters consider your actions not a high road at all but a low road to misery for all. You want to get Congress on the move toward jobs? Hah! Most are only on the move toward ruining our country through ensuring there will be no new jobs so that you will fall on your face.

Such wimpish behavior is unbecoming of the President of the United States, and such obstructionistic pit-bull machinations of the GOP is unbecoming of a group of supposed legislators whose only desire is to deny Obama a second term. Now, does anyone really believe the GOP will do a thing to create jobs? Hell no. Let’s run the car further into the ditch so that next year whoever wins the GOP nomination to run for Prez will have a wonderful chart or ten to point to with regard to unemployment numbers and more political football to distract from healing the deep wounds of a country in economic crisis.

The goal for them is simple: Win back the White House. Period. This knowledge is not new. Writers/bloggers, opinion-makers, radio and TV news hosts have been discussing the agenda of the GOP for quite some time. Now that we are on the brink of yet another election year, the stark reality of how solid the wall Obama faces has come into view with a startling slap in the face.

And while many of us wring our hands in horror at what we’ve witnessed in Washington DC this year in particular, very few Democrats are stepping up to remedy the situation because, like me, they are not in agreement with how President Obama continues to hand the keys to the country’s car to his enemies. So, most remain silent and rely on the pundits to grouse about Obama while they step back and shrug.

Now, today, following the brew-ha-ha of yesterday’s focus on Obama being denied Wednesday evening for his jobs speech in Congress, we hear and read about yet another GOP-pressured Obama “cave-in” concerning EPA regulations. (See What the.... )

What happened, Mr. President? Where did the man of inspiration and hope and change go? I’d like to find him again. So would your base. If you don’t start digging your heels in against your foes, you will lose the election next year when Democrats don’t turn out at the polls, and the country will end up with another Republican in the White House…but this time, the stakes are even higher for a social and financial backward slide as the radical, extreme agendas of the new GOP will make George W. look like a reasonable and sane leader.

And that is something frightening to consider.


  1. I'm only going to comment on one small portion of your blog, but the subject matter speaks VOLUMES!!
    Just how long, has the upcoming Republican Convention been scheduled for the specific time slot that it's in? Do you REALLY think that this
    was an accident, or just a coincidence that the White House chose this particular time for "the Anointed One" to spout his words of wisdom on us? This is the same exact thing he did, when he scheduled one of his shallow empty speeches (which he couldn't have pulled off without his teleprompter) at the exact season finally moment of Donald Trump's TV show. All this does, is shows how damn petty the man is. And always will be. That's how his choice of air time looks to the American people who aren't wearing a sheep over each eye. It's all politics. John

  2. Agreed that it's "all politics." But, over the many years of this country's ups and downs, despite obvious political moves, the minority party still provided whoever the president was at any given time the right to speak to Congress when requested to do so.

    Otherwise, John. You and I know how pathetic the political landscape has become on both sides, and thus the incredible turn-off by many of every stripe..... I simply want a reasonable Congress and a Prez w/ cajones no matter what game is being played. Obama is not playing his game very well, and the others are acting like spoiled brats.

  3. john, i've watched the constant drilling on your conservative agenda for months without posting my opinions. i can't believe how nice shauna is to you when you always slam her valid points. you sound like a hillbilly who can't spell any of your gods correctly. get this...... it's KATRINA, not CATRINA. GLENN Beck, not glen. you are an uneducated example of the conservative right wing. if you want to make a point get your spelling right and together. you really are a fool and a total tool,

    my name doesn't matter, shit for no brains. uggggggh/

  4. Well Mr. or Ms. spelling guru: My name, "I" at the beginning of your second sentence, and Shauna's name all should be capitalized. I think you sat three rows behind me in that one room hillbilly grade school. You must have been flossing your one good tooth during the class on punctuation.
    Shauna herself, has made many typos, and spelled words wrong on several occasions. And she has pointed that out on her posts. Mostly due to fatigue, or haste. My typos are from the same symptoms. But, I've never seen you critical of her mistakes, or call her vulgar names like you have me. None of us are perfect, and I'll be the first to admit that.
    Shauna and I have been friends since high school. We even share the same birthday. When I've been wrong, as I have on several occasions, I have been man enough to admit it to her and apologize. Guess you missed those posts.
    I can see why your name doesn't matter. In my humble opinion, neither do you. You're just another example of the left wing vitriol throwing vulgar comments at somebody who has never done anything to you in their lives. I will match my education and life experiences with you ANY TIME!! And I could give a rat's ass about your opinion. John

  5. The President... needs to show some SWAG...REAL SWAG- if he does not slam the GOP into line- we will be watching another blood moon rise, from Republican methodology, when they go romping back to the Big House in their new, Texas shit-kickers.

    SWAG Dear President...... S W A G

