Tuesday, October 22, 2013

When Too Much Is Just Too Much

Greetings! After waking at dawn again (a new personal rhythm that I have yet to fully comprehend) and stumbling around in the dark to find a light switch for both my sight and my brain, three million, five-hundred-and-ninety-thousand thoughts whacked me in my Face-Reality Face in a rather rude manner.

I really have A LOT on that over-used "plate"  – not just today, but for the next several months. And it makes me very tired, edgy, intense, paranoid, worried, excited, reluctant, frightened….oh, I could go on…and on. But I won't. Otherwise, TDFB will become a personal journal and that just isn't going to happen.

So, this is a heads-up note that for a while, more than usual, you may be seeing GIF's of water dripping, paint drying, and anything else I can post to reflect The Mood Of The Day. That's the Truth – pithy as it is.

And that's all I'll be able to write today.

My Inner Muse is not amused. (But it did enjoy that sentence.)

Until later, be well and thanks for stopping by!

Image via: http://www.ido-doi.com


  1. Anon, no worries. Me be strong, me be human. Me no writta Inglash real good rite now.
