Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What NOW?

I believe it's fair to mention that I recently discovered that a popular blog, The Daily What, had already created a "Street Art of the Day" segment in their Daily What's.

The site is featured as a link by other multidimensional (and Gossip) sites, but I only went there a few times for a specific story, never knowing what else lurked beneath their daily quirks.

Shock of quasi-shocks, while doing a Google search, this (TDFB) blog popped-up in relation to "Street Art." And so did The Daily What. 

Of course I clicked the link...and discovered that long before I thought I had been so savvy in adding a "Street Art of the Day" titled post, particularly because this is not a blog devoted solely to that newish art form, TDW had a daily post they began earlier than mine under the same title!

It is apparent that nothing is ever "new" in the Universe. Somehow, those of us who add "Daily" to our blogs/shows have a similar mindset when it involves current issues, politics, and art.

When I discovered the similarity, I placed a "Street Art for the Day" post -- once. It didn't feel the same. Just didn't "work" from my POV. So, I'm staying with my title, acknowledging, without any outside interference at all, that my idea in a generalized blog is not unique. Not in the least an "original thought."

I give credit to The Daily What without being asked to do so.

Ideas float around and some of us grab them at various times. After all, two of my biggest punch-lines have ended-up on Jay Leno and The Daily Show in the last two months within days of my postings. Same thoughts? Rip-off's? Who knows? Titles and some jokes are not open to copyright. Everyone has free reign of the title game.

The punch-line on Leno? Had I made it my own in a legal way, there could be cause for pause. Ironically, the comment happened at the same time various non-NBC or otherwise non-credited Leno-related writers were accusing the Leno staff of ripping-off their original craft-drafts.

I Actually Shrug. What's the point of forcing an "oink"?

That's it.

For now.

And to be a good sport, here's the link to:

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