Sunday, May 15, 2011

Weather Retort

Today began with a light rain in the early hours of the morn in parts of the West Coast of the U.S., cleansing toxins from the air and dumping the sooty residue on land for all to track through any interior surface if one does not remove their footwear. One more reason not to stomp around the house in gardening boots or running shoes, eh?

But such is a minor concern when alligators and poisonous snakes are floating downstream in several water-logged areas in the South, having their natural habitats thrown off-kilter in a rather large way due to the incessant storms in that part of the country. Many “experts” suggest that the creepy creatures could end up making unwelcome visits into cities, possibly to visit their dead relatives in the shoe and purse/bag sections of high-end stores.

While enjoying the light sound of raindrops pattering over my head, the sun decided to make an appearance that could remain throughout the day, bringing with it blue-blue skies and white fluffy clouds of immeasurable beauty to ruin my day of wanting to have an excuse to duck beneath the covers and fall into a hazy weekend gloom.

But no, of course. It’s all happy-like out there, so how can one justify retreat when the weather is quite sweet? And weeds in the garden and general foliage have been asking to be plucked for days? “I’m ugly – get me out of here!” those irksome growths beg. And so I shall listen and prepare to spend some time outside plucking the yucks and breathing clean air in the process.

Gawd, life can be so cruel.

But not as cruel as it has been for others in weather- and war-torn challenged countries. In fact, in recognition of the hardships so many in this world endure on a regular basis, I’ve set my Flogging Whip aside for the day.

Those who are feeling the effects of nature and political imbalance need a safe haven and at the least, a warm, supportive hug – not the often-used dismissive shrug.

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