In what era do we live in the U.S.? Where did these dense reactionary leaders now in a tea bag or hanging by a tea bag’s string, come from? A hole in a cracked wall of social malfeasance? It is utterly stupefying to learn of the current fiscal attack against Planned Parenthood, of all programs! Let’s also beat down the poor and middle class uninsured - while we’re at it - by taking away programs for their health and welfare in repealing the health care law - and by all means, let’s shut down the government and deprive the most vulnerable among us of their Social Security checks because there is strong disagreement in Washington over how to deal with the deficit.
If Republicans think a government shutdown is the way to gain funds and influence 2012 political runs, then go ahead. Do it. Let your elderly or disabled relatives suffer for your immaturity. Nothing came of the 1995 federal shutdown other than a bored sexually overheated president having more than one slice of delivered pizza from an intern.
Shutting down a government is one great way to ensure additional angst among those who do not have any other form of income. What a fabulous way to help the economy. Those who live check-to-check will either default on monthly payments from lack of funds, or raise their credit card debt to pay the rent and buy groceries, or, further drain what may be left of their savings. Sure. After a government shutdown is resolved, all monies owed by the federal gov’t are paid - retroactively. That’s quite a large sum to bleed out, isn’t it, with millions of Americans to be reimbursed?
Meanwhile, the potential emotional and fiscal impact on those who have been hurt the most could create more problems – and who wins in the end? Big corporations. One winner would be banks that would charge late fees for unpaid balances. And we can’t ignore the impact on home owners who are already teetering on the foreclosure cliff. The financial sector only needs to send another chill wind gust their way and – voila – the house is tumbling into Big Bank’s abyss.
The timing couldn’t be better for taking money out of people’s pockets and handing it over to those who really aren’t starving, right? What a grand idea! While at it, let’s follow Wisconsin's Governor Walter’s lead by taking a state economy’s near finish-line win to fiscal stability and throw it at big business, then propose a bill to dump unions from their lawful negotiating power citing a budget problem as the reason. Hah!
In simple language, what the hell is going on with an apparent attack from the Right on almost everyone’s turf except Big Business, CEO’s, and other basic millionaires under the guise of “cutting spending.” Can I cut your salary, Mr. Speaker? How about your health care? Do you have any pre-existing conditions other than over-active tear ducts? If so, in the future, you better be ready to wait for hours at the nearby free clinic for your health care…. Hey, buddy, read MY lips: “So be it.”
Oh, wait. By the time the GOP legislators across the country have their way, most free clinics will be so overcrowded, overwhelmed, etc., that a crisis worse than a flu pandemic will become the latest platform for protest…if anyone is healthy enough to hold a sign and stand outside in any weather – hot or cold – to use their increasingly croaking voices to beg for fairness and basic humanity. I firmly believe that most of these so-called leaders treat their household pets better than their vulnerable constituents.
Please…what are these people thinking? They aren’t thinking. It’s as simple as that pithy response. The proverbial “they” is, indeed, a combination of staunch Republicans and the fringe Tea Party. If hypocrisy with regard to health coverage and federal, local paychecks were not in play I wouldn’t be writing most of this post. How many stories have you heard about new Washington Congress-people who campaigned against Federal health care immediately requesting information concerning
their own federally-funded health care within hours of taking office? I see, it’s fine for them, not okay for anyone else.
Listen, the Liberal side of any aisle is just as upset and concerned about the budget as those on the “other side.” No one is very happy these days – and, when one looks at what could be a “middle ground” between the two, it isn’t as impossible as some mouthpieces would like us to believe so that a compromise can be designed. The difference is that the Democratic party stands for ALL the people in social concerns, whereas the GOP seems to care for money and nothing more or less.
Sorry, truly, to beat this same battered drum, but the truth AND the FACTS are not in accord with what the GOP says it is with the budget. I say, if money is the primary reason for kicking wounded citizens into a ditch, where were all of these “fiscally responsible” people during the last administration that created the fiscal miasma we are now facing?
Enough talk and complaining about how much the Obama administration has spent – if you follow the facts, the government ledgers, the very size of government now compared to “then”(smaller), you will see how this country was saved from complete despair via decisions that had to be made to save jobs, thus saving our country from further danger.
May I also remind those who claim that people like me are always asking for more government programs and spending that the U.S. government sets money aside for NASCAR while punching grandma's few dollars. What's up with that? Where's the GOP cry to action in cutting that sort of pork?
Why always go after government programs that have worked for decades? Why? Because it’s always easier to pick on the “little guy” when you are a cowardly bully at heart, rather than turn to face the corporations and your golfing buddies the next time you have an opportunity to swirl a vintage cognac in a crystal glass at that tony club. Oh, and by the way, I know it’s not just men at the party. A few token women have been allowed in the room over the years – as long as they pop out a few babies and don’t tell your wife where the mistress just had her latest abortion of your seed’s secret deed.
No, Mr. Speaker, I WON’T read your lips. They are full of feathers from the innocent canary you just ate from the kid’s room while sleep-walking through the maze of your new House.